2401 纺织品,布料(共 84 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240095 白布 Calico
240046 纺织的弹性布料 Elastic woven material
240046 纺织的弹性布料 Elastic woven material
240019 纺织品拼条幅衬布 Hat linings, of textile, in the piece
240116 纺织纤维织物 Fabrics for textile use
240012 纺织织物 Material (Textile –)
240098 非编织纺织品 Non-woven textile fabrics
240053 干酪布 Cheese cloth
240053 干酪布 Cheese cloth
240015 挂毯和刺绣用粗帆布 Canvas for tapestry or embroidery
240063 黄麻织品 Jute fabric
240071 家用亚麻布 Household linen
240071 家用亚麻布 Household linen
240031 坚质条纹棉布(亚麻布) Tick [linen]
240011 锦缎 Brocades
C240012 静电植绒布 static plant soft cloth
240069 菱形花纹亚麻布 Diapered linen
C240005 领衬布、衬布 collar liner, liner
240018 麻布 Hemp cloth
C240009 麻皮布 hemp husk cloth
C240011 麻绒 hemp soft cloth
240058 马毛与绒布绲织物(粗麻布) Haircloth [sackcloth]
C240003 毛巾布 towel cloth
240064 毛料布 Woollen cloth
240064 毛织品 Woollen fabric
240090 茅草纤维织物 Esparto fabric
240028 棉织品 Cotton fabrics
240028 棉织品 Cotton fabrics
240038 内衣用织物 Lingerie fabric
C240013 呢绒 woolen cloth
C240001 牛津布 Oxford cloth
240019 片状纺织品帽衬 Linings (Hat –), of textile, in the piece
240062 平针织物(纤维) Jersey [fabric]
240043 旗布 Bunting
240052 起绒粗呢(布) Frieze [cloth]
240094 轻薄织物(布料) Zephyr [cloth]
240084 人造丝织品 Rayon fabric
240077 软毛皮(纺织品) Moleskin [fabric]
240056 纱布(布) Gauze [cloth]
C240006 纱绢 yarn thin silk
240023 啥味呢(布料) Cheviots [cloth]
240009 筛布 Bolting cloth
240009 筛布 Bolting cloth
240111 绳绒线织物 Chenille fabric
240111 绳绒线织物 Chenille fabric
240088 丝绸(布料) Silk [cloth]
240026 丝绒 Velvet
240091 塔夫绸(布) Taffeta [cloth]
240007 台球布 Billiard cloth
240007 台球布 Billiard cloth
240054 凸纹条格细平布 Fustian
240054 凸纹条格细平布 Fustian
C240004 蚊帐织布 mosquito-curtain cloth
C240008 夏布罗纹 grass cloth ribbing
240020 鞋的衬里织物 Lining fabric for shoes
240021 鞋和靴用织物 Fabric for boots and shoes
240049 绣花图案布 Embroidery (Traced cloth for –)
240067 亚麻布 Linen cloth
240061 印花棉布 Calico cloth (Printed –)
240060 印花丝织品 Silk fabrics for printing patterns
240060 印花丝织品 Silk fabrics for printing patterns
240010 硬(麻)布 Buckram
240008 织物 Fabric
240036 重绉纹织物 Crepon
240035 绉布(织物) Crepe [fabric]
240083 苎麻织品 Ramie fabric
240004 装饰织品 Upholstery fabrics
C240010 篦麻绢纺 castor bean thin silk spin
240092 编织织物 Knitted fabric
240089 薄纱 Tulle
240013 布 Cloth *
240039 衬料(纺织品) Linings [textile]
240049 刺绣用描绘布 Traced cloths for embroidery
240054 粗斜纹布 Dimity
240054 粗斜纹布 Dimity
240017 ******织物 Hemp fabric
240069 带棱形图案的亚麻布 Linen (Diapered –)
C240007 单丝筛绢 single silk banderole
240037 缎子 Damask
C240002 帆布 canvas
240003 仿兽皮的织物 Fabric of imitation animal skins
240003 仿兽皮的织物 Fabric of imitation animal skins
2402 特殊用织物(共 24 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240105 纺织品过滤材料 Filtering materials of textile
240104 纺织用玻璃纤维织物 Fiberglass fabrics, for textile use
240104 纺织用玻璃纤维织物 Fiberglass fabrics, for textile use
240104 纺织用玻璃纤维织物 Fiberglass fabrics, for textile use
240057 非文具用胶布 Gummed cloth, other than for stationery
240057 非文具用胶布 Gummed cloth, other than for stationery
C240015 过滤布 filtration cloth
240002 航空气球用不透气织物 Fabric, impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons
240002 航空气球用不透气织物 Aeronautical balloons (Fabric impervious to gases for –)
C240014 金属棉(太空棉) metal cotton
C240017 聚丙烯编织布 polypropylene weave cloth
C240016 帘子布 shade cloth /cord fabric
C240018 滤气呢 sieve gas woollen cloth
240001 热敷胶粘纤维布 Adhesive fabric for application by heat
240001 热敷胶粘纤维布 Adhesive fabric for application by heat
C240020 树脂布 resin cloth
240081 塑料材料(纤维代用品) Plastic material [substitute for fabrics]
240081 塑料材料(纤维代用品) Plastic material [substitute for fabrics]
C240019 无纺布 nonwovens
240002 制航空气球用不透气织物 Balloons (Fabric impervious to gases for aeronautical –)
240102 标签布 Labels [cloth]
240048 玻璃布 Glass-cloth [towels]
240048 玻璃布 Glass-cloth [towels]
240016 布棚 Trellis [cloth]
2403 纺织品壁挂(共 8 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240103 纺织品制壁挂 Wall hangings of textile
240103 纺织品挂毯(墙上挂帘帷) Tapestry [wall hangings], of textile
C240024 剪绢画 scissor silk painting
C240025 手绣、机绣图画 handy and machinery embroidery picture
C240023 丝绒绢画 plush silk painting
C240021 丝织、交织图画 silk inerweave picture
C240026 丝织美术品 silk artwork
C240022 织锦人像 brocade portrait
2404 毡及毡制品(共 4 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240106 纺织品制印刷机垫 Printers' blankets of textile
240106 纺织品制印刷机垫 Printers' blankets of textile
C240027 造纸毛毯(毛巾) paper making blanketry
240027 毡 Felt *
2405 毛巾,毛巾被,浴巾,枕巾,手帕(共 19 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240076 纺织品餐巾 Napkins of textile (Table –)
240076 纺织品餐巾 Napkins of textile (Table –)
240072 纺织品毛巾 Towels of textile
240078 纺织品手帕 Handkerchiefs of textile
240087 纺织品洗脸巾 Face towels of textile
240051 妇女卫生绒布 Sanitary flannel
C240028 毛巾被 towel quilt
240051 卫生绒布 Flannel (Sanitary –)
240101 卸妆布巾 Napkins, of cloth, for removing make-up
240101 卸妆布巾(布) Make-up (Napkins for removing –) [cloth]
240101 卸妆用纺织物 Tissues of textile for removing make-up
C240029 浴巾 turkish towel
240005 浴室亚麻布(服装除外) Bath linen [except clothing]
C240030 枕巾 pillow cloth
C240031 地巾 terra cloth
240050 法兰绒(纺物) Flannel [fabric]
2406 床上用品(共 41 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
C240033 被面 bedcover
240034 旅行毯(盖膝用毯) Travelling rugs [lap robes]
240034 旅行用毯(膝盖保暖用) Rugs (Travelling –) [lap robes]
C240037 毛毯 blanketry
C240036 棉毯 cotton blanket
240074 褥垫套 Ticks [mattress covers]
C240034 褥子 tick
C240038 丝毯 silk blanket
C240043 塑料床单 plastic bedsheet
240079 蚊帐 Mosquito nets
240112 绣花枕套 Pillow shams
240045 鸭绒被 Eiderdowns [down coverlets]
240068 亚麻布床单 Linen (Bed –)
C240041 帐帘 curtain
C240039 帐沿 curtain edge
240080 枕套 Pillowcases
240032 纸制床罩 Bed covers of paper
C240032 被絮 quilt wadding
240100 被罩 Sleeping bags [sheeting]
240100 被罩 Sleeping bags [sheeting]
240029 被子 Bedspreads
240099 床单 Bed clothes
240040 床单(纺织品) Sheets [textile]
240030 床垫遮盖物 Mattress covers
240114 床上用毯 Bed blankets
240068 床上用亚麻制品 Bed linen
C240042 床帏 bedspread
C240040 床沿 bed edge
240114 床用毯子 Blankets (Bed –)
240029 床罩 Bed covers
C240035 垫套 mat cover
2407 室内遮盖物(共 33 条商品/服务名称)
本类似群各段落间不判类似(Do not declare similar among this similar group of every paragraphs )
序号 商品/服务名称
240113 纺织品垫 Place mats [not of paper]
240085 纺织品或塑料帘 Curtains of textile or plastic
240119 纺织品或塑料浴帘 Shower curtains of textile or plastic
240117 纺织品家具罩 Coverings (Furniture –) of textile
240047 纺织品制窗帘圈 Curtain holders of textile material
240117 纺织品制家具罩 Furniture coverings of textile
C240045 缝纫机罩 sartorius cover
240115 盖垫 Cushions (Covers for –)
C240044 家电遮盖物 appliance cover
240059 家具罩(宽大的) Covers [loose] for furniture
240059 家具遮盖物 Furniture (Loose covers for –)
240075 家用塑料遮盖物 Coverings of plastic for furniture
240082 门帘 Door curtains
240075 塑料家具罩 Furniture coverings of plastic
C240046 台毯 desk carpet
240093 网状窗帘 Net curtains
240022 狭长桌布 Runners (Table –)
240022 狭长桌巾 Table runners
240025 油布(作桌布用) Oilcloth [for use as tablecloths]
C240047 浴罩 bath cover
240033 桌布(非纸制) Table cloths [not of paper]
240097 桌上杯垫(非纸制) Table mats [not of paper]
240113 坐垫(非纸制) Mats (Place –) [not of paper]
240115 坐垫罩 Covers for cushions
240070 餐桌用布(非纸制) Table linen [not of paper]
240044 粗毛台毯 Drugget
240096 垫子(餐桌用布) Coasters [table linen]
240118 定作的马桶盖罩(纤维) Covers (Fitted toilet lid –) [fabric]
2408 洗涤用手套(共 2 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240055 洗涤用边指手套 Mitts (Washing –)
240055 洗涤用手套 Washing mitts
2409 特殊用布(共 2 条商品/服务名称)
本类似群商品为单一商品互不类似(This similar group of goods are not similar each other for the single goods)
序号 商品/服务名称
C240048 哈达 white cloth strip
240073 伊斯兰教隐士用龛(布) Marabouts [cloth]
2410 旗(共 4 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240042 旗(非纸制) Flags [not of paper]
240006 旗帜 Banners
2411 寿衣(共 1 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
240041 寿衣 Shrouds