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第十七类 不属别类的橡胶、古塔胶、树胶、石棉、云母以及这些原材料的制品,生产用半成品塑料制品,包装、填充和绝缘用材料,非金属软管

scanning:37806 author: from: time:2019-01-15 classify:商标注册英文
[注释] 本类主要包括电绝缘,隔热或隔音材料,以及半成品塑料纸、板或杆. 尤其包括:修复轮胎胎面用橡胶;橡胶或塑料衬垫及填充料;抗污染的浮动屏障.

1701 不属别类的橡胶,古塔胶,树胶(共 9 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170010  巴拉塔树胶  Balata  

170050  古塔胶  Guttapercha  

C170002  固体古马隆  silid gumalong  

170020  合成橡胶  Rubber (Synthetic –)  

170064  乳胶(天然胶)  Latex [rubber]  

170017  生橡胶或半成品橡胶  Gum, raw or partly processed  

C170003  树胶  gum  

170017  未加工或半加工树胶  Rubber, raw or semi-worked  

C170001  再生胶  regenesis glue 






1702 非金属密封减震制品(共 48 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170089  非金属管道加固材料  Pipes (Reinforcing materials, not of metal for –)  

170067  非金属管套  Pipe jackets, not of metal  

170067  非金属管套筒  Muffs (Pipe –), not of metal  

170086  非金属空气压缩管道装置  Compressed air pipe fittings, not of metal  

170067  非金属套管  Jackets (Pipe –), not of metal  

170085  非文具、非家用、非医用胶带  Adhesive bands other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes  

170092  非文具、非医用、非家用胶带  Self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes  

170085  非文具、非医用、非家用粘合胶带  Adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes  

170085  非文具、非医用、非家用粘合胶带  Adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes  

170085  非文具、非医用、非家用粘合胶带  Adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes  

C170004  高压锅圈  pressure cooker loop  

170030  管道垫圈  Pipe gaskets  

170030  管道接头衬垫  Pipes (Joint packings for –)  

170089  管道用非金属加固材料  Reinforcing materials, not of metal, for pipes  

C170005  胶衬  glue liner  

C170007  胶壳  glue cover  

C170006  胶套  gluesheath  

170069  接头用密封物  Sealant compounds for joints  

170039  离合器垫  Clutch linings  

170039  离合器垫  Clutch linings  

170039  离合器垫  Clutch linings  

170009  密封环  Rings (Stuffing –)  

170043  密封物  Seals  

170066  密封橡皮圈  Lute  

C170008  石棉油盘根  asbestos oil root  

170012  松罐盖用橡胶带  Bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids  

170043  填充垫圈  Joint packings  

170013  通风排气机支板  Draught excluder strips  

170076  橡胶或硬纤维垫圈  Washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber [fibre]  

170021  橡胶减震缓冲器  Shock absorbing buffers of rubber  

170093  橡胶栓  Stops of rubber  

170019  橡胶制瓣阀  Clack valves of rubber  

170021  橡皮减震器  Buffers of rubber (Shock-absorbing –)  

170004  橡皮圈  Rings of rubber  

170018  橡皮塞子  Rubber stoppers  

170018  橡皮塞子  Rubber stoppers  

170012  旋瓶盖用橡皮圈  Jar lids (Bands of rubber for unscrewing –)  

170086  压缩空气管用非金属装置  Fittings (Compressed air pipe –), not of metal  

170048  半加工刹车衬垫材料  Brake lining materials, partly processed  

170068  保护机器零件的胶皮套  Sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines  

170068  保护机器零件用橡胶套  Rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines  

170040  补裂缝用化学化合物  Caulking materials  

170042  补漏用化学合成物  Leaks (Chemical compositions for repairing –)  

170048  部分加工的刹车衬垫料  Lining materials (Brake –), partly processed  

170013  挡风雨条  Weatherstripping  

170015  挡风雨条材料  Weatherstripping compositions  

170043  垫片(密封垫)  Gaskets  

170009  防水圈  Rings (Water-tight –) 







1703 橡胶,树脂,纤维半成品(共 54 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 C170014  半成品海绵  semi-manufactured sponge  

170053  非包装用再生纤维素薄片  Sheets of reclaimed cellulose, other than for packing  

170083  非包装用粘胶纤维纸  Viscose sheets, other than for packing  

170102  非纺织品用塑料纤维(纤维)  Fibers (Plastic –), not for use in textiles  

170038  非纺织品用橡皮绒  Yarns (Elastic –), not for use in textiles  

170038  非纺织用弹性纱  Elastic yarns, not for use in textiles  

170038  非纺织用弹性线  Elastic threads, not for use in textiles  

170102  非纺织用塑料纤维  Fibers (Plastic –), not for use in textiles  

170105  非纺织用塑料线  Threads of plastic materials, not for textile use  

170096  非纺织用碳纤维  Carbon fibers [fibres], other than for textile use  

170095  非纺织用橡胶线  Threads of rubber, not for use in textiles  

170095  非纺织用橡胶线  Threads of rubber, not for use in textiles   

170073  非金属管道接头  Junctions, not of metal, for pipes  

170073  非金属管道接头  Junctions, not of metal, for pipes  

170106  过滤材料(未加工泡沫或塑料膜)  Filtering materials [semi-processed foams or films of plastic]  

170047  焊接用塑料线  Threads of plastic for soldering  

170075  合成树脂(半成品)  Resins (Artificial –) [semi-finished products]   Artificial resins [semi-finished products]

170046  硫化纤维  Fibre (Vulcanized –)  

170111  农业用塑料膜  Plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes  

C170013  农用地膜  farming terra film  

170033  汽缸接头  Cylinder jointings  

170075  人造树脂(半成品)  Artificial resins [semi-finished products]  

170017  生橡胶或半成品橡胶  Gum, raw or partly processed  

C170024  塑料板  Plastic Board  

C170025  塑料杆  Plastic Bar  

C170009  塑料管  plastic tube, board,pole,bar  

170047  塑料焊丝  Soldering threads of plastic  

C170026  塑料条  Plastic Strip  

C170010  橡胶榔头  rubber hammer  

170031  橡胶绳  Cords of rubber  

170031  橡胶绳  Cords of rubber  

170082  橡皮或硬纤维纸活门  Valves of india-rubber or vulcanized fiber [fibre]  

170046  硬化纤维  Vulcanized fiber [fibre]  

170036  硬橡胶(硫化的)  Ebonite [vulcanite]  

170100  硬橡胶铸模  Molds (Ebonite –)   Ebonite [vulcanite] molds [moulds]

170036  硬橡皮  Vulcanite [ebonite]  

170100  硬橡皮模  Vulcanite [ebonite] molds [moulds]  

170100  硬橡皮模(硫化的)  Ebonite [vulcanite] molds [moulds]  

C170015  有机玻璃  organic glass  

C170012  渔业用浮球  storing gas bursa  

C170011  贮气囊  storage gas bursa  

170001  半加工醋酸纤维素  Acetate (Cellulose –), semi-processed  

170097  半加工塑料物质  Plastic substances, semi-processed  

170097  半加工塑料物质  Plastic substances, semi-processed  

170002  丙烯酸树脂(半成品)  Acrylic resins [semi-finished products]  

170112  插花用泡沫支撑物(半成品)  Foam supports for flower arrangements [semi-finished products]  

170112  插花用泡沫支撑物(半成品)  Flower arrangements (Foam supports for –) [semi-finished products]  

170001  醋酸纤维素(半加工的)  Cellulose acetate [semi-processed]  

C170016  电控透光塑料薄膜  power controlling plastic film  

170109  翻新轮胎用橡胶材料  Rubber material for recapping tires [tyres]  

170109  翻新轮胎用橡胶材料  Rubber material for recapping tires [tyres]  

170072  非包装用塑料膜  Film (Plastic –), not for wrapping  

170053  非包装用再生纤维素  Cellulose (Foil of regenerated –) other than for packing  

170053  非包装用再生纤维素箔  Foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for packing 

170115   窗户用防强光薄膜(染色膜)







1704 软管(共 9 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170022  非金属软管  Hose (Fire –)  

170006  浇水软管  Hose (Watering –)  

170006  排水软管  Watering hose  

170054  消防水龙带  Fire hose  

170054  消防水龙带  Fire hose  

170074  车辆取暖器软管  Connecting hose for vehicle radiators  

170074  车辆水箱用连接软管  Vehicle radiators (Connecting hose for –)  

170065  帆布水龙带  Canvas hose pipes  

170025  纺织材料制软管  Hoses of textile material 






1705 保温、隔热、隔音材料(共 39 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170008  隔音材料  Soundproofing materials  

170037  隔音用树皮板  Bark coverings for sound insulation  

170037  隔音用树皮板  Bark coverings for sound insulation  

170026  锅炉隔热材料  Boiler composition to prevent the radiation of heat  

170108  漂浮的防污染障碍物  Anti-pollution barriers (Floating –)  

170091  石棉  Asbestos  

170079  石棉  Fabrics (Asbestos –)  

170091  石棉  Asbestos  

170035  石棉板  Asbestos sheets  

170005  石棉板、瓦  Slate asbestos  

170080  石棉布  Asbestos cloth  

170027  石棉底垫  Soles (Asbestos –)  

170003  石棉防火幕  Curtains of asbestos (Safety –)  

C170018  石棉粉  asbestos powder  

170087  石棉厚纸板  Asbestos mill boards  

170079  石棉绒  Asbestos fabrics  

170088  石棉绒(纤维)  Asbestos fibers [fibres]  

C170017  石棉绳、线、带、橡胶石棉  asbestos rope, thread,strip,rubber asbestos  

170005  石棉石板  Asbestos slate  

170087  石棉书皮纸板  Millboards (Asbestos –)  

170081  石棉填料  Asbestos mill boards  

170088  石棉纤维  Fibers (Asbestos –)  

170003  石棉消防幕  Asbestos safety curtains  

170027  石棉鞋底  Asbestos soles  

170044  石棉毡  Asbestos felt  

170078  石棉遮盖物  Asbestos coverings  

170078  石棉遮盖物  Asbestos coverings  

170071  石棉纸  Asbestos paper  

170007  消防队员用石棉掩护物  Screens for firemen (Asbestos –)  

170007  消防队员用石棉掩护物  Screens for firemen (Asbestos –)  

170007  消防人员用石棉档板  Firemen (Asbestos screens for –)  

170016  保温用非导热材料  Heat (Non-conducting materials for retaining –)  

C170019  玻璃纤维保温板和管  fiberglass heat preservation board and pipe  

170058  防潮建筑材料  Insulating buildings against moisture (Substances for –)  

170058  防潮建筑材料  Insulating buildings against moisture (Substances for –)  

170024  防热辐射合成物  Radiation of heat (Compositions to prevent the –)  

170024  防热散发合成物  Heat (Compositions to prevent the radiation of –)  

C170020  防水隔热粉  waterproof heat insulation powder  

170108  防污染浮动障碍物  Barriers (Floating anti-pollution –) 






1706 绝缘用材料及其制品(共 49 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170063  绝缘玻璃棉  Glass wool for insulation  

170103  绝缘玻璃纤维  Fiberglass for insulation  

170103  绝缘玻璃纤维  Fiberglass for insulation  

170104  绝缘玻璃纤维织物  Fabrics (Fiberglass [fibreglass] –), for insulation  

170104  绝缘玻璃纤维织物  Fabrics (Fiberglass [fibreglass] –), for insulation  

170104  绝缘玻璃纤维织物  Fabrics (Fiberglass [fibreglass] –), for insulation  

170023  绝缘材料  Insulating materials  

C170021  绝缘电瓷  insulated edlectricity procelain  

170110  绝缘灰浆  Insulating plaster  

170107  绝缘胶布和绝缘带  Insulating tape and band  

170107  绝缘胶带  Tape (Insulating –)     

170060  绝缘漆  Insulating paints  

170060  绝缘漆  Insulating paints  

170057  绝缘清漆  Insulating varnish  

170057  绝缘清漆  Insulating varnish  

170110  绝缘热石膏  Plaster (Insulating –)  

170049  绝缘手套  Gloves (Insulating –)  

170049  绝缘手套  Gloves (Insulating –)  

170099  绝缘体  Insulators  

170099  绝缘体  Insulators  

C170022  绝缘涂料  insulated dope  

170056  绝缘纤维织物  Fabrics (Insulating –)  

170063  绝缘用玻璃丝绒  Wool (Glass –) for insulation  

170059  绝缘用金属箔  Foils of metal for insulating  

170059  绝缘用金属箔  Foils of metal for insulating  

170052  绝缘油  Insulating oils  

170052  绝缘油  Insulating oils  

170045  绝缘毡  Felt (Insulating –)  

170056  绝缘织品  Insulating fabrics  

170055  绝缘纸  Insulating paper  

170055  绝缘纸  Insulating paper  

170061  矿碴绒(绝缘物)  Slag wool [insulator]  

170061  矿碴绒(绝缘物)  Slag wool [insulator]  

170061  矿碴绒(绝缘物)  Slag wool [insulator]  

170062  矿棉(绝缘体)  Mineral wool [insulator]  

170062  矿物绒(绝缘物)  Wool (Mineral –) [insulator]  

170061  矿渣棉(绝缘物)  Wool (Slag –) [insulator]  

170061  矿渣棉(绝缘物)  Wool (Slag –) [insulator]  

170061  矿渣棉(绝缘物)  Wool (Slag –) [insulator]  

170084  铁路轨道绝缘物  Railway tracks (Insulators for –)  

170070  未加工或部分加工云母  Mica, raw or partly processed  

170051  变压器用绝缘油  Transformers (Insulating oil for –)  

170034  电介质(绝缘体)  Dielectrics [insulators]  

170094  电缆绝缘体  Cables (Insulators for –)  

170098  电力网绝缘体  Electric mains (Insulators for –)  

170029  电容器纸  Capacitors (Paper for electrical –)  

170029  电容器纸  Capacitors (Paper for electrical –)  

170098  电线绝缘物  Insulators for electric mains 






1707 包装,填充用材料(包括橡胶,塑料制品)(共 12 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

170041  膨胀接合填料  Expansion joint fillers  

170081  石棉包装材料  Asbestos packing  

170014  橡胶或塑料填料  Stuffing of rubber or plastic  

170014  橡胶或塑料填料  Stuffing of rubber or plastic  

170014  橡胶或塑料填料  Stuffing of rubber or plastic  

170101  橡胶或塑料制(填充或衬垫用)包装材料  Packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of rubber or plastics  

170014  橡胶或塑料制填充材料  Padding materials of rubber or plastics  

170032  包装用棉绒(堵缝)  Cotton wool for packing [caulking]  

170077  包装用橡胶袋(信封、小袋)  Bags [envelopes, pouches] of rubber, for packaging  

170077  包装用橡胶袋(信封、小袋)  Bags [envelopes, pouches] of rubber, for packaging  

170011  防水包装物  Waterproof packings  






1708 其他(共 3 条商品/服务名称)


序号 商品/服务名称 

 170028  非金属马掌  Horseshoes, not of metal  

170028  非金属马掌  Horseshoes, not of metal  

C170023  封拉线(卷烟)  sealing thread 

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