1401 贵重金属及其合金(共 13 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
140067 钯 Palladium
140003 贵重金属锭 Ingots of precious metals
140104 贵重金属合金 Alloys of precious metal
140104 贵重金属合金 Alloys of precious metal
140083 铑 Rhodium
140085 钌 Ruthenium
140163 未加工、未打造的银 Silver, unwrought or beaten
140063 未加工的金或金箔 Gold, unwrought or beaten
140055 未加工或半加工贵重金属 Precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
140045 铱 Iridium
140075 铂(金属) Platinum [metal]
140066 锇 Osmium
1402 贵重金属制品或镀有贵重金属的物品(不包括首饰,饰品,纪念品)(共 108 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
140102 贵重金属茶壶 Teapots of precious metal
140091 贵重金属茶具 Tea services of precious metal
140093 贵重金属茶托 Saucers of precious metal
140114 贵重金属茶叶罐 Tea caddies of precious metal
140114 贵重金属茶叶罐 Tea caddies of precious metal
140120 贵重金属茶叶浸泡器 Tea infusers of precious metal
140120 贵重金属茶叶浸泡器 Tea infusers of precious metal
140147 贵重金属厨房用具 Kitchen utensils of precious metal
140147 贵重金属厨房用具 Kitchen utensils of precious metal
140154 贵重金属单柄大酒杯 Tankards of precious metal
140061 贵重金属蛋杯 Egg cups of precious metal
140090 贵重金属碟 Dishes of precious metal
140103 贵重金属缸 Urns of precious metal
140041 贵重金属高脚杯 Goblets of precious metal
140140 贵重金属罐 Jugs of precious metal
140071 贵重金属过滤器 Strainers of precious metal
140113 贵重金属盒 Boxes of precious metal
140077 贵重金属花瓶 Vases of precious metal
140105 贵重金属火柴盒 Match boxes of precious metal
140078 贵重金属火柴盒架 Match holders of precious metal
140078 贵重金属火柴盒架 Match holders of precious metal
140099 贵重金属架 Epergnes of precious metal
140099 贵重金属架 Epergnes of precious metal
140124 贵重金属酒具(托盘) Cabarets [trays] of precious metal
140125 贵重金属咖啡具 Coffee services of precious metal
140026 贵重金属蜡烛架(烛台) Candelabra [candlesticks] of precious metal
140121 贵重金属链式网眼钱包 Chain mesh purses of precious metal
140148 贵重金属滤茶器 Tea strainers of precious metal
140148 贵重金属滤茶器 Tea strainers of precious metal
140148 贵重金属滤茶器 Tea strainers of precious metal
140148 贵重金属滤茶器 Tea strainers of precious metal
140155 贵重金属马具配件 Harness fittings of precious metal
140155 贵重金属马具配件 Harness fittings of precious metal
140092 贵重金属毛巾架 Towel holders of precious metal
140149 贵重金属瓶 Flasks of precious metal
140056 贵重金属钱包 Purses of precious metal
140056 贵重金属钱包 Purses of precious metal
140086 贵重金属容器 Vessels of precious metal (Sacred –)
140087 贵重金属色拉碗 Salad bowls of precious metal
140094 贵重金属汤碗 Soup bowls of precious metal
140115 贵重金属糖果盒 Boxes of precious metal for sweetmeats
140098 贵重金属糖碗 Sugar bowls of precious metal
140038 贵重金属熄烛器 Candle extinguishers of precious metal
140133 贵重金属香烟盒 Cases (Cigarette –), of precious metal
140132 贵重金属雪茄烟盒 Cases (Cigar –), of precious metal
140134 贵重金属雪茄烟盒(匣) Boxes (Cigar –), of precious metal
140142 贵重金属牙签盒 Toothpick holders of precious metal
140079 贵重金属烟罐 Tobacco jars of precious metal
140131 贵重金属烟灰缸 Ashtrays, of precious metal, for smokers
140088 贵重金属盐瓶 Salt shakers of precious metal
140156 贵重金属油瓶 Oil cruets of precious metal
140128 贵重金属轧胡桃钳 Nutcrackers of precious metal
140128 贵重金属轧胡桃钳 Nutcrackers of precious metal
140081 贵重金属针 Needles of precious metal
140129 贵重金属针盒 Cases (Needle –) of precious metal
140141 贵重金属制厨房容器 Kitchen containers of precious metal
140161 贵重金属制调味品瓶 Cruets of precious metal
140076 贵重金属制胡椒罐 Pepper pots of precious metal
140086 贵重金属制祭祀容器 Sacred vessels of precious metal
140111 贵重金属制首饰盒 Jewel cases of precious metal
140080 贵重金属制随身携带的粉饼盒 Powder compacts of precious metal
140135 贵重金属制香烟盒 Cigarette cases of precious metal
140137 贵重金属制香烟嘴 Cigarette holders of precious metal
140134 贵重金属制雪茄烟盒 Cigar boxes of precious metal
140134 贵重金属制雪茄烟盒 Cigar boxes of precious metal
140136 贵重金属制雪茄烟烟嘴 Cigar holders of precious metal
140136 贵重金属制雪茄烟烟嘴 Cigar holders of precious metal
140156 贵重金属制油和醋调味品瓶架 Cruet stands of precious metal, for oil and vinegar
140112 贵重金属烛环 Candle rings of precious metal
140026 贵重金属烛台 Candlesticks of precious metal
140026 贵重金属烛台 Candlesticks of precious metal
140139 家用贵重金属篮 Baskets of precious metal, for household purposes
140138 家用贵重金属盘 Trays of precious metal, for household purposes
140054 家用贵重金属容器 Containers (Household –) of precious metal
140053 家用贵重金属用具 Household utensils of precious metal
140053 家用贵重金属用具 Household utensils of precious metal
140054 家用贵重金属制容器 Household containers of precious metal
140088 鹭金属盐碟 Salt cellars of precious metal
140108 银餐具(盘、碟) Silver plate [plates, dishes]
140065 除刀、叉、匙外的金银器 Silver and gold ware, other than cutlery, forks and spoons
140065 除刀、叉、匙外的金银器具 Gold and silver ware, other than cutlery, forks and spoons
140141 厨房用贵重金属容器 Containers (Kitchen –) of precious metal
140036 电镀制品(贵重金属电镀) Plated articles [precious metal plating]
140020 镀金物品 Imitation gold (Objects of –)
140020 仿金制品 Gold (Objects of imitation –)
140153 非电动贵重金属制咖啡壶 Coffeepots, non-electric, of precious metal
140101 贵重金属杯 Cups of precious metal
140100 贵重金属鼻烟壶 Snuff boxes of precious metal
140084 贵重金属餐巾环 Napkin rings of precious metal
140084 贵重金属餐巾环 Napkin rings of precious metal
140092 贵重金属餐巾架 Napkin holders of precious metal
140089 贵重金属餐具 Services [tableware] of precious metal
140089 贵重金属餐具 Services [tableware] of precious metal
140110 贵重金属餐具(盘) Table plates of precious metal
1403 珠宝,首饰,宝石及贵重金属制纪念品(共 77 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
140116 贵重金属扣 Buckles of precious metal
140069 贵重金属饰针 Ornamental pins
140040 贵重金属丝线(珠宝) Wire of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140096 贵重金属塑像 Statues of precious metal
140152 贵重金属微章 Badges of precious metal
140040 贵重金属线(珠宝) Threads of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140146 贵重金属小雕像 Figurines [statuettes] of precious metal
140146 贵重金属小塑像 Statuettes of precious metal
140109 贵重金属艺术品 Works of art of precious metal
140047 黑色大理石饰品 Jet (Ornaments of –)
140047 黑色大理石制饰品 Ornaments of jet
140006 护身符(珠宝) Amulets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140004 黄琥珀色宝石 Jewellery of yellow amber
C140005 激光宝石 laser gem
140051 纪念章(宝石) Medallions [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140095 尖晶石(宝石) Spinel [precious stones]
140052 奖章 Medals
C140008 角、骨、牙、介首饰及艺术品 horn,bone,teeth jewelry and arts
140107 戒指(首饰) Rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140107 戒指(珠宝) Rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140035 金刚石 Diamonds
C140001 金红石(宝石) rutile
140064 金线(珠宝) Gold thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140064 金线(珠宝) Gold thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
C140010 景泰蓝 cloisonne
C140014 景泰蓝首饰 Cloisonné jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]
140024 链(珠宝) Chains [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140151 领带别针 Tie pins
140033 领带夹 Clips (Tie –)
140033 领带夹 Clips (Tie –)
140151 领带夹(领带饰针) Pins (Tie –)
140001 玛瑙 Agates
140117 帽饰品(贵金属) Rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140117 帽子装饰品(贵重金属) Hat ornaments [of precious metal]
140097 人造宝石 Jewellery (Paste –)
140097 人造宝石(服装用珠宝) Jewelry (Paste –) [costume jewelry]
140005 人造琥珀制珍珠(压制的琥珀) Pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]
C140002 人造金刚石 artificial rutile
140097 人造珠宝(服装用珠宝) Paste jewellery [costume jewelry (Am.)]
140015 手镯(珠宝) Bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140049 铜币 Tokens (Copper –)
140049 铜制纪念品 Copper tokens
140048 未加工或半加工墨玉 Jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
140008 细银丝(银线) Spun silver [silver wire]
140008 细银丝(银线) Spun silver [silver wire]
140031 项链(首饰) Necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140046 象牙制品(首饰) Ivory [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140018 小饰物(珠宝) Charms [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140119 鞋饰品(贵重金属) Ornaments (Shoe –) [of precious metal]
140119 鞋饰品(贵重金属) Ornaments (Shoe –) [of precious metal]
140019 胸针(珠宝) Brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140122 袖口链扣 Links (Cuff –)
140010 银饰品 Silver ornaments
140010 银饰品 Silver ornaments
140009 银线 Silver thread
C140006 银制工艺品 silver arts and crafts
140034 硬币 Coins
C140004 玉雕 jade carving
C140007 玉雕首饰 jade carving jewelry
140162 钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物) Key rings [trinkets or fobs]
140162 钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物) Key rings [trinkets or fobs]
140070 珍珠(珠宝) Pearls [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140069 装饰别针 Pins (Ornamental –)
140068 装饰品(珠宝) Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140074 宝石 Precious stones
140074 宝石 Precious stones
140050 珠宝(首饰) Jewellery
140050 宝石(珠宝) Jewellery
140150 别针(首饰) Pins [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140122 衬衫袖口链扣 Cuff links
C140009 磁疗首饰 magnetic jewelry
140073 次宝石 Semi-precious stones
140118 耳环 Earrings
140118 耳环 Earrings
C140003 翡翠 jade
140062 橄榄石(宝石) Olivine [gems]
140123 贵重金属半身雕像 Busts of precious metal
1404 钟,表,计时器及其零部件(共 46 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
140013 摆(钟表制造) Pendulums [clock- and watchmaking]
140106 簧片(钟表制造) Anchors [clock and watch-making]
140027 记时器(手表) Chronographs [watches]
140028 精密记时计 Chronometers
140043 控制时钟 Control clocks [master clocks]
140164 秒表 Stopwatches
140043 母钟 Watch crystals
140082 闹钟 Alarm clocks
140022 日晷 Dials (Sun –)
140022 日晷 Dials (Sun –)
140016 手表 Wristwatches
140017 手表带 Straps for wristwatches
140029 瞬时计 Chronoscopes
C140011 语言报时钟 talking time clock
140042 原子钟 Atomic clocks
140011 钟 Clocks
140011 钟 Clocks
140023 钟表构件 Clockworks
140039 钟表盒 Cases for clock- and watchmaking
140039 钟表盒 Cases for clock- and watchmaking
140060 钟表机件 Movements for clocks and watches
140060 钟表机件 Movements for clocks and watches
140021 钟表盘(钟表制造) Dials [clock- and watchmaking]
140002 钟表指针(钟表制造) Clock hands [clock- and watchmaking]
140044 钟盒 Clock cases
140044 钟盒 Clock cases
140044 钟盒 Clock cases
140002 钟指针(钟表制造) Hands (Clock –) [clock- and watchmaking]
140057 表 Watches
140059 表玻璃 Watch glasses
140017 表带 Watch bands
C140013 表袋(套) watch pocket
140058 表发条 Watch springs
140058 表发条 Springs (Watch –)
140145 表盒(礼品) Cases for watches [presentation]
140144 表壳 Watch cases
140144 表壳 Watch cases
140025 表链 Chains (Watch –)
140025 表链 Chains (Watch –)
140059 表水晶玻璃 Watch crystals
140030 测时仪器 Chronometrical instruments
C140012 电子万年台历 electron all ages desk calendar
140032 电子钟表 Clocks and watches, electric
140014 发条匣(钟表制造) Barrels [clock- and watchmaking]