0101 工业气体,单质(共 84 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010086 砹 Astatine
010061 氨 Ammonia *
010101 钡 Barium
010125 铋 Bismuth
010092 氮 Nitrogen
010516 锝 Technetium
010250 镝 Dysprosium
010517 碲 Tellurium
010534 铥 Thulium
010457 氡 Radon
010276 铒 Erbium
010302 氟 Fluorine
010318 钆 Gadolinium
C010004 钙 calcium
010333 干冰(二氧化碳) Dry ice [carbon dioxide]
010333 干冰(固体二氧化碳) Ice (Dry –) [carbon dioxide]
C010005 工业硅 industry silicon
010368 工业用碘 Iodine for industrial purposes
010328 工业用固态气体 Gases (Solidified –) for industrial purposes
010328 工业用固态气体 Solidified gases for industrial purposes
010305 工业用石墨 Graphite for industrial purposes
010387 汞 Mercury
010483 硅 Silicon
C010007 海绵钯 sponge palladium
010344 氦 Helium
010326 焊接用保护气 Welding (Protective gases for –)
010326 焊接用保护气 Gases (Protective –) for welding
010326 焊接用保护气体 Protective gases for welding
010365 化学用碘 Iodine for chemical purposes
010299 化学用硫华 Flowers of sulphur for chemical purposes
010299 化学用硫华 Flowers of sulphur for chemical purposes
010585 化学用溴 Bromine for chemical purposes
010345 钬 Holmium
010321 镓 Gallium
010447 钾 Potassium
010039 碱土金属 Metals (Alkaline-earth –)
010039 碱土金属 Alkaline-earth metals
010560 碱性金属 Alkaline metals
010560 碱性金属 Metals (Alkaline –)
C010006 结晶硅 crystal silicon
010392 金属土 Metal earths
010392 金属土 Earths (Metal –)
010473 钪 Scandium
010372 氪 Krypton
010372 氪 Krypton
010463 铼 Rhenium
010375 镧 Lanthanum
010379 锂 Lithium
010430 磷 Phosphorus
010493 硫磺 Sulphur
010153 镥 Lutetium [cassiopium]
010153 镥 Cassiopium [lutetium]
010183 氯气 Chlorine
010485 钠 Sodium
010401 氖 Neon
010400 钕 Neodymium
010449 镨 Praseodymium
010359 氢 Hydrogen
010466 铷 Rubidium
C010002 三氧化硫 sulfur trioxid
010163 铯 Caesium
010470 钐 Samarium
010084 砷 Arsenic
010161 铈 Cerium
010498 锶 Strontium
010532 铊 Thallium
010148 碳 Carbon
010519 铽 Terbium
010074 锑 Antimony
010066 无水氨 Anhydrous ammonia
010479 硒 Selenium
010526 稀土 Earths (Rare –)
010526 稀土 Rare earths
010551 氙 Xenon
010082 氩 Argon
010413 氧 Oxygen
C010001 液体二氧化硫 liqiud sulfur dioxide
C010003 液体二氧化碳 liqiud carbon dioxide
010093 一氧化氮 Nitric monoxide
010093 一氧化二氮 Nitrous oxide
010553 钇 Yttrium
010552 镱 Ytterbium
010287 铕 Europium
010390 准金属 Metalloids
0102 用于工业、科学、农业、园艺、森林的工业化工原料(共 430 条商品/服务名称)
本类似群商品将根据商品的功能、用途确定类似商品(Similar groups of goods should confirm similar item according to function and use)
序号 商品/服务名称
C010130 2-萘酚 2-phenol
010567 氨铵盐 Ammonium salts
010063 氨明矾 Ammonia alum
010062 氨醛 Ammonium aldehyde
010060 氨性盐 Ammoniacal salts
010220 巴豆醛 Crotonic aldehyde
010104 钡化物 Barium compounds
C010058 苯醋酸 phenylacetic acid
C010059 苯二甲酸酐 benzene dimethylbenzene anhydride
C010129 苯酚 phenol
010110 苯基酸 Benzene-based acids
C010158 苯甲醛 benzaldehyde
010112 苯酸 Benzoic acid
C010081 苯烷 benzene alkyl
010111 苯衍生物 Benzene derivatives
C010079 苯乙烯 benzene ethene
C010134 苯乙酰胺 phenylacetamide
010518 表面活性化学剂 Surface-active chemical agents
010518 表面张力活性制剂 Tensio-active agents
C010046 冰醋酸 glacial acetic acid
C010031 冰晶粉 cryolite powder
C010106 丙二醇 propylene glycol
C010049 丙酸 propaneoic acid
010011 丙酮 Acetone
C010108 丙烯醇 propenol
C010157 丙烯腈 acrylic nitrile
C010167 丙烯醛 acrolein
C010176 丙烯酸乙—乙基乙酯 acrylate
C010174 丙烯乙酯 propylene ester
010412 草酸 Oxalic acid
010123 草酸氢盐(钾) Dioxalate (Potassium –)
010411 草酸盐 Oxalates
010100 纯碱 Ash (Soda –)
010360 次氯酸苏打 Hypochlorite of soda
010277 醋酸 Spirits of vinegar [dilute acetic acid]
010277 醋酸 Spirits of vinegar [dilute acetic acid]
010171 醋酸钙 Lime acetate
010010 醋酸酐 Acetic anhydride
C010066 醋酸钴 cobalt acetate
C010064 醋酸钾 potassium acetate
010565 醋酸铝 Aluminium acetate *
010565 醋酸铝 Acetate (Aluminium –) *
C010067 醋酸锰 manganese acetum
010440 醋酸铅 Lead acetate
C010065 醋酸锌 zinc acetate
010007 醋酸盐(化学品) Acetates [chemicals] *
C010173 醋乙酯丁酯 vinegar ester
C010118 单季戊入醇 singlewine
010508 单宁酸 Tannin
010508 单宁酸 Tannin
010186 胆酸 Cholic acid
010033 蛋白(动植物原料) Albumen [animal or vegetable, raw material]
010036 蛋白纸 Albuminized paper
010036 蛋白纸 Albuminized paper
010452 蛋白质(原料) Protein [raw material]
010034 碘化蛋白 Albumen (Iodised –)
010051 碘化铝 Aluminium iodide
010367 碘酸 Iodic acid
C010104 丁醇 butanol
C010159 丁醛 butanal
C010050 丁酸 butyric acid
C010075 丁烯 butylene
C010175 丁酯 ester
010069 动物蛋白(原料) Animal albumen [raw material]
010488 煅烧苏打 Calcined soda
C010127 对氨基酚 amino phenol
C010124 对苯二酚 paradioxybenzene
C010057 对苯二甲酸 diethylene glycol terephthalate
010533 对称二苯硫脲 Thiocarbanilide
C010095 对二氯苯 paradichlorobenzene
C010123 对硝基苯酚 paranitrophenol
C010126 对硝基苯酚钠 nitrophenosodium
C010165 对硝基苯乙酮 paranitroketene
C010098 对硝基氯化苯 parachloridizebenzene
C010163 多聚甲醛 paraformaldehyde
C010135 多乙烯多胺 ethyleneamine
010139 儿茶 Catechu
C010132 二苯胺 diphenylamine
C010142 二甲胺 dimethylamine
C010070 二甲酸酐 dimethylbenzene anhydride
010149 二硫化碳 Carbon sulphide
C010089 二氯甲烷 dichloromethane
C010086 二氯乙烷 dichloroethane
C010114 二缩三乙二醇 triethyleneglycol
C010097 二硝基氯化苯 dinitrochloridizebenzene
010123 二氧化钾 Potassium dioxalate
010124 二氧化锰 Manganese dioxide
010124 二氧化锰 Manganese dioxide
010414 二氧化氢 Hydrogen peroxide
010118 二氧化锡 Bichloride of tin
010118 二氧化锡 Bichloride of tin
C010143 二乙胺 diethylamine
C010146 二乙醇胺 diethanolameine
010046 矾土 Alumina
010514 非医药用酒石 Tartar other than for pharmaceutical purposes
010588 孵磷脂(原料) Lecithin [raw material]
C010039 氟硅酸钾 potassium fluosilicate
010510 钙盐 Calcium salts
010283 甘醇醚 Glycol ether
010336 甘油脂 Glycerides
010067 酐 Anhydrides
010423 高氯酸盐 Perchlorates
C010040 锆氟酸钾 zirconium potassium fluorin acid
C010032 锆酸钴 zirconate cobalt
010188 铬矾 Chrome alum
010191 铬酸 Chromic acid
C010010 铬酸酐 chrome acid anhydride
010187 铬酸盐 Chromates
010190 铬盐 Chrome salts
010477 铬盐 Chromic salts
C010161 庚醛 enanthal
010244 工业淀粉酶 Diastase for industrial purposes
010591 工业酪蛋白 Casein for industrial purposes
010558 工业用氨(挥发性碱) Ammonia [volatile alkali] for industrial purposes
010248 工业用白云石 Dolomite for industrial purposes
010426 工业用苯酚 Phenol for industrial purposes
010055 工业用淀粉 Starch for industrial purposes
010055 工业用淀粉 Starch for industrial purposes
010536 工业用二氧化钛 Dioxide (Titanium –) for industrial purposes
010536 工业用二氧化钛 Titanium dioxide for industrial purposes
010252 工业用甘油 Glycerine for industrial purposes
010391 工业用贵重金属盐 Salts of precious metals for industrial purposes
010391 工业用贵重金属盐 Precious metals (Salts of –) for industrial purposes
010558 工业用挥发碱(氨) Alkali (Volatile –) [ammonia] for industrial purposes
010558 工业用挥发性碱(氨水) Volatile alkali [ammonia] for industrial purposes
010559 工业用碱性碘化物 Alkaline iodides for industrial purposes
010489 工业用苛性碱 Caustics for industrial purposes
010490 工业用苛性钠 Caustic soda for industrial purposes
010273 工业用酶 Enzymes for industrial purposes
010272 工业用酶制剂 Enzyme preparations for industrial purposes
010512 工业用木薯粉 Tapioca flour for industrial purposes
010199 工业用柠檬酸 Citric acid for industrial purposes
010135 工业用硼酸 Boric acid for industrial purposes
010614 工业用葡萄糖 Glucose for industrial purposes
C010090 工业用三氯甲烷 trichloromethane
010593 工业用纤维素醚 Cellulose ethers for industrial purposes
010590 工业用纤维素脂 Cellulose esters for industrial purposes
C010024 工业用硝酸铋 bismuth nitrate
010397 工业用盐 Salts for industrial purposes
010599 工业用氧化钴 Cobalt oxide for industrial purposes
010599 工业用氧化钴 Cobalt oxide for industrial purposes
010638 工业用樟脑 Camphor, for industrial purposes
010388 汞盐 Mercury salts
C010020 硅胶 silica gel
C010029 硅酸钙 wollastonite
C010028 硅酸钾 potassium silicate
010049 硅酸铝 Aluminium silicate
010481 硅酸盐 Silicates
010632 硅藻土 Earth (Diatomaceous –)
010632 硅藻土 Diatomaceous earth
010371 硅藻土(用于陶瓷和绘画) Kieselgur
010474 癸二酸 Sebacic acid
010425 过硫酸 Persulphuric acid
010424 过硫酸盐 Persulphates
C010093 过氯乙烯 perchloroethylene
010421 过硼酸钠 Perborate of soda
010422 过碳酸盐 Percarbonates
C010151 过氧化二苯甲醇 peroxybehzhydrol
010414 过氧化氢 Dioxide of hydrogen
010034 含碘蛋白 Iodised albumen
010366 含碘盐 Iodised salts
C010023 合成钡 composed barium
C010052 琥珀酸 amber acid
010506 滑石(镁铝合金硅酸盐或滑石粉) Talc [magnesium silicate]
010311 化学用甲醛 Formic aldehyde for chemical purposes
010291 化学用酵素 Ferments for chemical purposes
010494 化学用硝酸铋 Bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes
010578 化学用小苏打 Bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes
010494 化学用亚硝酸铋 Nitrite (Bismuth –) for chemical purposes
C010055 环烷酸 cycloparaffin acid
C010087 环氧丙烷 epihydrin
C010120 环氧乙烷 oxacyclopropane
C010112 环已醇 cyclohexanol
C010164 环已酮 ketohexamethylene
010501 磺酸 Sulphonic acids
C010115 季戊四醇 pentaerythrite
010538 甲苯 Toluene
010538 甲苯 Toluol
010576 甲基苯 Benzol (Methyl –)
010576 甲基苯 Methyl benzol
010577 甲基苯 Methyl benzene
010577 甲基苯 Benzene (Methyl –)
C010051 甲基丙烯酸 methacrylic acid
C010170 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 methyl methacrylate
010230 甲基异丙基苯 Cymene
010284 甲醚 Methyl ether
C010136 甲萘胺 methyl naphthylamine
010310 甲酸 Formic acid
010394 甲烷 Methane
C010140 甲酰胺 formamide
010140 钾盐镁矾 Kainite
010496 尖晶石(化学制剂) Spinel [chemical preparations]
C010128 间氨基酚 amino phenol
C010125 间苯二酚 resorcin
C010101 间二氯苯 dichlorobenzene
010037 碱 Alkalies
010106 碱(化学制剂) Bases [chemical preparations]
010126 碱性镓酸铋 Gallate (Basic –) of bismuth
010561 碱性金属盐 Salts of alkaline metals
010561 碱性金属盐 Alkaline metals (Salts of –)
010126 碱性溶酸铋 Bismuth (Basic gallate of –)
010126 碱性酸铋 Basic gallate of bismuth
010453 焦棓酸 Pyrogallic acid
010133 焦木酸 Pyroligneous acid [wood vinegar]
C010102 精甲醇 methanol
010040 酒精 Alcohol *
010547 酒精 Vinic alcohol
010515 酒石酸 Tartaric acid
C010069 酒石酸锑钠 antimony sodium tartaric acid
C010160 糠醛 kangaldehyde
010038 苛性碱 Caustic alkali
010437 苦酸 Picric acid
010361 连二亚硫酸盐 Hyposulphites
010358 联氨 Hydrazine
C010100 联苯 biphenyl
C010119 联苯醚 biphenylene oxide
C010096 邻二氯苯 chloroben
C010099 邻硝基氯化苯 adjacentchloridizebenzene
010429 磷化物 Phosphatides
010433 磷酸 Phosphoric acid
C010171 磷酸三丁酯 tributylphosphate
010382 菱镁矿 Magnesite
010574 硫化钡 Barium sulphate
010549 硫化剂 Vulcanising preparations
010076 硫化锑 Antimony sulphide
C010045 硫化铁 pyrites
010486 硫化物 Sulphides
C010148 硫脲 sulfourea
C010041 硫氢化钙 sulfur calcium hydroxide
010503 硫酸 Sulphuric acid
010225 硫酸 Copper sulphate [vitriol]
C010168 硫酸二甲酯 dimethyl sulfate
C010150 硫酸肼 hydrazine sulfate
010285 硫酸醚 Sulphuric ether
010225 硫酸铜 Vitriol
010555 硫酸盐 Sulphates
010058 卤精(氢氧化氨) Sal ammoniac spirits
010058 卤精(氢氧化铵) Spirits of salt
010058 卤精(氢氧化铵) Spirits of salt
010057 卤砂、氯化氨 Sal ammoniac
010047 铝矾 Aluminium alum
C010085 氯丁二烯 chlorobutadiene
C010062 氯化苄 benzyl chloride
010173 氯化钙 Lime chloride
C010044 氯化镉 cadmium chloride
C010043 氯化钴 cobalt chloride
010050 氯化铝 Aluminium chloride
010383 氯化镁 Magnesium chloride
010554 氯化物 Chlorides
C010009 氯磺酸 chlorosulfonic acid
010409 氯金酸钠 Gold salts
010409 氯金酸钠 Gold salts
010182 氯酸盐 Chlorates
C010107 氯乙醇 chlorodydrin
C010054 氯乙酸 chloroactic acid
C010091 氯乙烷 chloroethene
C010084 氯乙烯 chloroethylene
C010019 麦饭石 wheat rice stone
010035 麦芽蛋白 Malt albumen
010035 麦芽蛋白 Albumen (Malt –)
C010073 没食子酸 gallic acid
010384 锰酸盐 Manganate
C010061 米妥儿 mituoer
010052 明矾 Alum
010131 木醇 Wood alcohol
010131 木醇 Wood alcohol
010133 木醋(焦木酸) Wood vinegar [pyroligneous acid]
010133 木醋焦木酸 Vinegar (Wood –) [pyroligneous acid]
C010011 钼酸 molybdenum acid
010491 钠盐(化学制剂) Sodium salts [chemical preparations]
010399 萘 Naphthalene
C010027 镍盐 nichkel salt
010134 硼砂 Borax
C010094 偏氯乙烯 partial chloroethylene
010083 铅砷酸盐 Arsenate (Lead –)
010304 氢氟酸 Hydrofluoric acid
C010012 氢氧化钾 potassium hydroxide
C010017 氢氧化锂 lithium hydroxide
010048 氢氧化铝 Aluminium hydrate
C010015 氢氧化镁 magnesium hydroxide
C010018 氢氧化镨 praseodymium hydroxide
C010016 氢氧化铈 cerium hydroxidem
C010014 氢氧化锶 strontium hydroxide
C010083 轻苯 light benzene
C010026 轻质碳酸钙 light calcium carbonate
010228 氰化物 Prussiates
010228 氰化物 Cyanides [prussiates]
010229 氰亚铁酸盐 Ferrocyanides
010029 琼脂 Agar-agar
C010172 醛酯 aldehydeester
C010071 肉桂油 cinnamon oil
010373 乳酸 Lactic acid
C010162 三聚甲醛 trioxymethylene
C010139 三聚氰胺 melamine
C010153 三氯三聚氰 melamine
C010092 三氯乙烯 trichlorethylene
C010145 三乙醇胺 triethanolamine
C010117 山梨醇 sorbierite
010488 烧碱 Calcined soda
010085 砷酸 Arsenious acid
010083 砷酸铅 Lead arsenate
010562 生物碱 Alkaloids *
C010056 石油磺酸 petroleum sulfonic acid
C010110 叔丁醇 tertbutyl alcohol
C010138 双氰胺 dicyandiamide
C010166 双乙酮 biketone
010356 水合物 Hydrates
010468 水杨酸 Salicylic acid
C010060 顺丁烯二酸酐(即失水草果酸酐) maleic acid anhyride
C010155 四甲基吡啶 tetramethyl
010528 四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride
010529 四氯化物 Tetrachlorides
010013 四氯化乙炔 Acetylene tetrachloride
010100 苏打灰 Soda ash
010120 苏打钾 Bichromate of soda
010014 酸 Acids *
010152 碳化钙 Calcium carbide
C010021 碳化铌 columbium carbide
C010022 碳化钨 tungsten carbide
010151 碳化物 Carbide
010357 碳水化合物 Carbonic hydrates
010150 碳酸 Carbonic acid
010550 碳酸钡石 Witherite
010172 碳酸钙 Lime carbonate
010446 碳酸钾 Potash
010448 碳酸钾水 Potash water
010448 碳酸钾水 Potash water
C010035 碳酸锂 lithium carbonate
010147 碳酸镁 Magnesium carbonate
C010013 碳酸氢钠 sodium bicarbonate
C010042 碳酸锶 strontium carbonic acid
C010033 碳酸铜 copper carbonate
C010034 碳酸锌 zinc carbonate
010146 碳酸盐 Carbonates
C010116 糖醇 furancarbinol
010335 糖甙 Glucosides
010290 铁盐 Iron salts
010164 酮 Ketones
C010068 吐酒石(即酒石酸锑钾) tartar emetic
010541 钨酸 Tungstic acid
C010036 钨酸铵 ammonium tungstate
C010037 钨酸钙 calcium tungstate
C010038 钨酸锌 zinc tungstate
010396 无机酸 Mineral acids
010065 戊醇 Amyl alcohol
C010072 戊基醋酸盐 amyl acetate
C010048 稀醋酸 spirit of vinegar
010162 稀土金属盐 Salts from rare earth metals
010162 稀土金属盐 Rare earth metals (Salts from –)
010155 纤维素 Cellulose
010095 硝酸 Nitric acid
C010149 硝酸胍 ammonium carbamidine
010469 硝酸钾 Salpetre
010469 硝酸钾 Saltpeter
010405 硝酸钠 Nitrate of uranium
010572 硝酸盐 Nitrates
010572 硝酸盐 Nitrates
010569 硝酸银 Silver nitrate
010569 硝酸银 Silver nitrate
010537 榍石 Titanite
C010105 辛醇 capryl alcohol
C010156 溴化棕榈酸吡啶 bromize palmitate pyridine
C010008 蓄电池硫酸 accumulator vitriol
010502 亚硫酸 Sulphurous acid
C010030 亚砒酸 subarsenic acid
010331 岩盐 Rock salt
010331 岩盐 Rock salt
010475 盐类(化学制剂) Salts [chemical preparations]
010185 盐酸 Hydrochloric acid
010184 盐酸氨 Hydrochlorates
C010137 盐酸羟基胺 alkylol amine
010592 纤维素衍生物(化学品) Cellulose derivatives [chemicals]
010415 氧化钯 Palladious chlorides
010102 氧化钡 Baryta
010556 氧化锆 Zirconia
010189 氧化铬 Chromium oxide
010189 氧化铬 Chromium oxide
010389 氧化汞 Mercuric oxide
010389 氧化汞 Mercuric oxide
010378 氧化锂 Lithia [lithium oxide]
010441 氧化铅 Lead oxide
010441 氧化铅 Lead oxide
010075 氧化锑 Antimony oxide
010075 氧化锑 Antimony oxide
C010141 一甲胺 monomethyl amine
C010088 一氯甲烷 methane chloride
010410 一水草酸氢钾 Sorrel salt
010410 一水草酸氢钾 Sorrel salt
C010113 一缩二乙二醇 diglycol
C010147 一乙醇胺 monoethanolamine
C010131 一乙基苯胺 ethylicanilin
010041 乙醇 Alcohol (Ethyl –)
010041 乙醇 Ethyl alcohol
C010144 乙二胺 ethylene diamine
010337 乙二醇 Glycol
C010078 乙基苯 ethyl benzene
010282 乙基醚 Ethyl ether
C010152 乙腈 acetonitrile
010281 乙醚 Ethers *
010042 乙醛 Aldehydes *
010012 乙炔 Acetylene
010064 乙酸戊酯 Amyl acetate
010280 乙烷 Ethane
C010074 乙烯 ethene
C010133 乙酰苯胺 acetanilid
C010169 乙酰乙酸乙酯 acetacetic ether
C010111 已醇 hexanol
C010053 已二酸 hexanedioic acid
C010047 蚁酸 formic acid
C010063 蚁酸钠 sodium formic acid
C010080 异丙苯 cumin
C010103 异丙醇 isopropanol
C010121 异丙醚 isopropyl ether
C010109 异丁醇 isobutanol
C010076 异丁烯 isobutene
C010077 异戊二烯 methyl butane
010303 莹石化合物 Fluorspar compounds
010497 硬脂酸 Stearic acid
010407 油酸 Oleic acid
C010122 愈疮木酚 guaiacol
010476 原盐 Salt, raw
C010154 皂素 soapelement
010247 蒸馏水 Distilled water
010247 蒸馏水 Water (Distilled –)
010340 脂肪酸 Fatty acids
010279 酯 Esters *
010320 制墨用棓酸 Gallic acid for the manufacture of ink
010119 重铬酸钾 Bichromate of potassium
010495 重晶石 Barytes
C010025 重碳酸铵 ammonium bicarbonate
0103 放射性元素及其化学品(共 29 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010018 锕 Actinium
010442 钚 Plutonium
010314 钫 Francium
010159 镄 Fermium
010159 镄 Fermium
010369 工业用同位素 Isotopes for industrial purposes
010179 核反应堆减速材料 Moderating materials for nuclear reactors
010297 核能用可裂变物质 Fissionable material for nuclear energy
010179 减少核反应堆放射材料 Nuclear reactors (Moderating materials for –)
010226 锔 Curium
010142 锎 Californium
010456 科学用放射性元素 Radioactive elements for scientific purposes
010458 科学用镭 Radium for scientific purposes
010180 可裂变的化学元素 Chemical elements (Fissionable –)
010180 可裂变化学元素 Fissionable chemical elements
010054 镅 Americium
010402 镎 Neptunium
010115 锫 Berkelium
010443 钋 Polonium
010450 钷 Promethium
010451 镤 Protactinium
010535 钍 Thorium
010543 氧化铀 Uranium oxide
010542 铀 Uranium
010087 原子堆燃料 Atomic piles (Fuel for –)
010087 原子堆用燃料 Fuel for atomic piles
010087 原子堆用燃料 Fuel for atomic piles
010253 重水 Heavy water
010253 重水 Water (Heavy –)
0104 用于工业、科学的化学品、化学制剂,不属于其他类别的产品用的化学制品(共 325 条商品/服务名称)
各部分间互不类似,第(十九)部分将根据商品的功能,用途确定类似商品(Not similar each other among every part, the 19th part, according to the function
序号 商品/服务名称
010522 玻璃防污剂 Glass (Preparations for preventing the tarnishing of –)
010386 玻璃磨砂用化学品 Frosting chemicals (Glass –)
010263 玻璃遮光剂 Glass (Opacifiers for –)
010521 玻璃着色化学品 Glass-staining chemicals
010105 长统丝袜用防抽丝物质 Stockings (Substances for preventing runs in –)
010105 长统袜用防抽丝物质 Runs in stockings (Substances for preventing –)
010246 唱片修补剂 Records (Renovating preparations for phonograph –)
010246 唱片修补剂 Renovating preparations for phonograph records
010246 唱片修复制剂 Phonograph records (Renovating preparations for –)
C010259 车身填充物 Automobile Body Lining
010254 澄清剂 Clarification preparations
010540 除漆和油外的瓷砖防腐剂 Preservatives for tiles, except paints and oils
010117 除漆和油外的混凝土防腐剂 Preservatives (Concrete –), except paints and oils
010196 除漆和油外的水泥防腐剂 Preservatives (Cement –), except paints and oils
010381 除漆和油外的砖房防腐剂 Preservatives (Brickwork –), except paints and oils
010380 除漆和油外的砖石建筑防腐剂 Preservatives (Masonry –), except paints and oils
010196 除油漆和油外的水泥保护料 Cement preservatives, except paints and oils
010380 除油漆和油外的砖石建筑防腐剂 Masonry preservatives, except paints and oils
010540 除油漆和油外的砖瓦保存剂 Tiles (Preservatives for –), except paints and oils
010381 除油漆和油脂外的砖房防腐剂 Brickwork preservatives, except paints and oils
010195 除油漆外的水泥防水化学品 Waterproofing chemicals (Cement- –), except paints
010195 除油漆外的水泥防水制剂 Cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints
010617 除油漆外的砖石建筑防潮剂 Damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry
010617 除油漆外的砖石建筑防潮剂 Damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry
010617 除油漆外的砖石建筑防潮剂 Damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry
010232 除粘分离剂 Unsticking and separating preparations
010644 传动液 Fluid (Transmission –)
010644 传送液 Transmission fluid
010523 窗户防污化学品 Windows (Anti-tarnishing chemicals for –)
010523 窗子防锈化学品 Anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows
010370 瓷土 Clay (China –)
C010203 促进剂 accelerant
010154 催化剂 Catalysts
010251 电池充电用酸性水 Acidulated water for recharging accumulators
010006 电池防泡沫溶液 Batteries (Anti-frothing solutions for –)
010500 电池硫酸盐清除剂 Liquids for removing sulphates from batteries
010006 电池用防泡沫溶液 Anti-frothing solutions for batteries
010098 电镀电解浸液 Baths for galvanizing
010098 电镀液 Galvanizing baths
010324 电镀制剂 Galvanizing preparations
C010201 电刷镀溶液 brush plating solution
010056 淀粉溶解化学品(脱胶剂) Liquifying chemicals (Starch- –) [ungluing agents]
010643 动力操纵液 Power steering fluid
010068 动物碳 Charcoal (Animal –)
010068 动物碳 Animal charcoal
010568 动物碳素 Animal carbon
010568 动物碳素 Animal carbon
010165 动物碳素制剂 Animal carbon preparations
010165 动物碳制剂 Carbon preparations (Animal –)
010403 毒气中和剂 Toxic gas neutralizers
010403 毒气中和剂 Neutralizers (Toxic gas –)
010081 镀银用银盐溶液 Silver salt solutions for silvering
010081 镀银用银盐溶液 Silver salt solutions for silvering
010467 镀造用沙 Foundry sand
010467 镀造用砂 Sand (Foundry –)
010020 发动机燃料化学添加剂 Additives, chemical, to motor fuel
010240 防(除)水锈剂 Disincrustants
010072 防冻剂 Antifreeze
010138 防冷凝化学制剂 Condensation-preventing chemicals
010395 防霉化学制剂 Mildew (Chemical preparations to prevent –)
C010187 防染盐 preventing contaminat salt
C010205 防水浆消泡剂 antibubbling agent
010073 防水锈剂 Anti-incrustants
010073 防水锈剂 Anti-incrustants
010016 防酸化合物 Acid proof chemical compositions
010016 防酸化合物 Acid proof chemical compositions
010117 防油漆和油外的混凝土防腐剂 Concrete preservatives, except paints and oils
C010192 防皱剂 anti-creasing agent
010530 纺织工业用浸湿剂 Wetting preparations for use in the textile industry
010525 纺织工业用漂白土 Fuller's earth for use in textile industry
010312 纺织工业用漂洗剂 Fulling preparations for use in textile industry
010530 纺织工业用润湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in the textile industry
010362 纺织品防水化学品 Textile-waterproofing chemicals
010362 纺织品防水化学品 Waterproofing chemicals (Textile- –)
010363 纺织品浸渍化学品 Impregnating chemicals (Textile- –)
010363 纺织品浸渍化学品 Textile-impregnating chemicals
010091 纺织品上光化学品 Textile-brightening chemicals
010077 纺织品上浆和修整制剂 Dressing and finishing preparations for textiles
010635 非家用除垢剂 Scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes
010260 非家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes
010260 非家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes
010003 非食物防腐用盐 Preserving (Salt for –), other than for foodstuffs
010003 非食物用防腐盐 Preserving (Salt for –), other than for foodstuffs
010564 非食用藻酸盐(胶化和加压剂) Alginates [gelling and inflating preparations] other than for alimentary purposes
010219 非医用酒石乳剂 Cream of tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes
010232 分离式消除粘性制剂 Separating and unsticking [ungluing] preparations
010214 腐蚀剂 Corrosive preparations
010017 钢材精加工制剂 Finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel
010017 钢材精加工制剂 Steel (Finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of –)
010176 工业化学品 Industrial chemicals
010499 工业或农业用煤灰 Soot for industrial or agricultural purposes
010239 工业脱水制剂 Dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes
010454 工业用白雀树皮 Quebracho for industrial purposes
010642 工业用磁性液 Magnetic fluid for industrial purposes
010316 工业用灯黑 Lamp black for industrial purposes
010316 工业用灯烟 Black (Lamp –) for industrial purposes
010472 工业用肥皂(含金属) Soap [metallic] for industrial purposes
010460 工业用谷类加工的副产品 By-products of the processing of cereals for industrial purposes
010460 工业用谷物加工农副产品 Cereals (By-products of the processing of –) for industrial purposes
010385 工业用红树皮 Mangrove bark for industrial purposes
010176 工业用化学品 Chemicals (Industrial –)
010570 工业用亮色化学品 Color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes
010570 工业用亮色化学品 Colour-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes
010289 工业用面粉 Flour for industrial purposes
010580 工业用漂白剂(脱色剂) Bleaching preparations [decolorants] for industrial purposes
010609 工业用软化剂 Emollients for industrial purposes
010597 工业用碳黑 Carbon black for industrial purposes
010597 工业用碳黑 Carbon black for industrial purposes
010444 工业用土豆粉 Potato flour for industrial purposes
010580 工业用脱色剂 Decolorants for industrial purposes
C010211 工业用洗净剂 abstergent
010557 工业用蒸煮激发剂 Cooking (Preparations for stimulating –) for industrial purposes
010570 工业增亮化学制品(颜料) Brightening chemicals (Color- [colour-] –) for industrial purposes
010167 骨碳 Charcoal (Bone –)
010167 骨碳 Bone charcoal
C010180 固色剂 dye fixatives
C010209 固香剂 aromatic liquid
010544 硅酸钠(溶性玻璃) Water glass [soluble glass]
C010214 硅油乙基 silicon ethide
010611 过滤材料(化学制剂) Filtering materials [chemical preparations]
010612 过滤材料(矿物质) Filtering materials [mineral substances]
010613 过滤材料(植物质) Filtering materials [vegetable substances]
010166 过滤用碳 Carbon for filters
010166 过滤用碳 Carbon for filters
010636 海水(工业用) Water (Sea –) [for industrial purposes]
010636 海水(工业用) Sea water [for industrial purposes]
010235 化学防腐剂 Self defence (Chemical preparations for –)
010015 化学冷凝制剂 Condensation preparations (Chemical –)
010602 化学用杂酚油 Creosote for chemical purposes
010116 混凝土充气用化学品 Concrete-aeration chemicals
010030 混凝土凝结剂 Agglutinants for concrete
010030 混凝土用凝结剂 Concrete (Agglutinants for –)
010025 活性碳 Carbons (Activated –)
010025 活性碳 Activated carbons
010206 火棉胶 Collodion *
010295 加工螺丝用合成剂 Threading (Compositions for –)
010234 胶溶剂 Gum solvents
010633 金属腐蚀剂 Mordants for metals
010249 金属硬化剂 Metal hardening preparations
010249 金属硬化剂 Hardening preparations (Metal –)
010249 金属硬化剂 Hardening preparations (Metal –)
010249 金属硬化剂 Hardening preparations (Metal –)
010207 金属着色盐 Salts for coloring [colouring] metal
010207 金属着色盐 Colouring metal (Salts for –)
010207 金属着色盐 Coloring metal (Salts for –)
010254 净化剂(澄清制剂) Purification preparations
010377 镜头防污剂 Lenses (Preparations for preventing the tarnishing of –)
C010210 抗静电剂 antistatic agent
C010206 抗氧剂 antioxidant
010319 苦味五倍子 Nuts (Gall –)
010128 蜡漂白化学品 Bleaching chemicals (Wax- –)
010128 蜡漂白化学品 Wax-bleaching chemicals
010255 离子交换剂(化学品) Exchangers (Ion –) [chemicals]
010255 离子交换剂(化学制剂) Ion exchangers [chemical preparations]
010005 硫化加速剂 Vulcanisation accelerators
010005 硫化加速剂 Accelerators (Vulcanisation –)
010108 铝土矿 Bauxite
010004 磨料用辅助液 Auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives
010582 木醇蒸馏剂 Wood alcohol (Preparations of the distillation of –)
010582 木醇蒸馏剂 Wood alcohol (Preparations of the distillation of –)
010071 内燃机防爆材料 Anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines
010071 内燃机抗爆剂 Internal combustion engines (Anti-knock substances for –)
010500 排除电池硫酸盐用液体 Batteries (Liquids for removing sulphates from –)
010202 抛光和底漆浆料 Size for finishing and priming
010026 喷气燃料用烟雾剂 Aerosols (Gas propellents for –)
010109 膨润土 Bentonite
010313 漂白剂 Fulling preparations
010127 漂白用浸湿剂 Wetting preparations for use in bleaching
010127 漂白用润湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in bleaching
C010186 漂毛粉 rinse powder
C010197 起动液 jump-starter
010275 气体净化剂 Gas purifying preparations
010275 气体净化剂 Purification of gas (Preparations for the –)
010020 汽车燃料化学添加剂 Motor fuel (Chemical additives to –)
010021 汽油净化添加剂 Detergent additives to petrol [gasoline]
010021 汽油净化添加剂 Gasoline (Detergent additives to –)
010021 汽油净化添加剂 Additives (Detergent –) to gasoline [petrol]
010238 清除抛光剂用料 Removing polish (Substances for –)
010174 清洁烟筒用化学品 Cleaners, chemical (Chimney –)
010174 清洁烟筒用化学品 Chimney cleaners, chemical
010648 清理散热器用化学物 Radiator flushing chemicals
010606 清漆溶剂 Solvents for varnishes
010606 清漆溶剂 Varnishes (Solvents for –)
010238 去光材料 Polish removing substances
010257 燃料节省剂 Fuel-saving preparations
010257 燃料节省剂 Fuel-saving preparations
010398 染布用润湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in dyeing
C010177 染料助剂 dyestuff assister
010398 染色用浸湿剂 Wetting preparations for use in dyeing
010056 溶胶剂(使淀粉液化的化学品) Ungluing agents [chemical preparations for liquifying starch]
010232 溶胶制剂 Ungluing preparations
C010191 柔软剂 softener
010268 乳化剂 Emulsifiers
010268 乳化剂 Emulsifiers
C010200 润闸液 brake lubracant
010315 刹车液 Fluids (Brake –)
010256 闪光信号灯制剂 Flashlight preparations
010077 上浆料(化学制剂) Starch size [chemical preparations]
010646 烧结用陶瓷合成物(颗粒和粉末) Sintering (Ceramic compositions for –) [granules and powders]
010646 烧结用陶瓷合成物(颗粒和粉末) Ceramic compositions for sintering [granules and powders]
010231 生产加工用除脂剂 Grease-removing preparations for use in manufacturing processes
010241 生产加工用去垢剂 Detergents for use in manufacturing processes
010231 生产加工用去油脂制剂 Degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes
010169 省煤剂 Coal saving preparations
010301 石灰石硬化物 Hardening substances (Limestone –)
010301 石灰石硬化物 Limestone hardening substances
010351 石油分散剂 Dispersants (Petroleum –)
010351 石油分散剂 Petroleum dispersants
010544 水玻璃(可溶玻璃) Glass (Water –) [soluble glass]
010608 水净化化学品 Purifying chemicals (Water- –)
010608 水净化用化学品 Water purifying chemicals
010023 水软化剂 Water-softening preparations
010023 水软化剂 Softening preparations (Water –)
C010213 松醇油 pine wine oil
C010212 探伤气雾剂 explore wound aerosol
010520 搪瓷和玻璃着色化学品 Staining-chemicals (Enamel and glass- –)
010264 搪瓷或玻璃用遮光剂 Opacifiers for enamel or glass
010107 搪瓷生产用瓷釉(化学制剂,非颜料) Enamel (Chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manufacture of –)
010262 搪瓷遮光剂 Enamel (Opacifiers for –)
010265 搪瓷着色化学品 Enamel-staining chemicals
010370 陶瓷釉 Kaolin
010370 陶瓷釉 China slip
010160 陶瓷釉 Ceramic glazings
010160 陶瓷釉料 Glazings (Ceramic –)
010045 提炼合金金属的化学制剂 Alloying of metals (Chemical preparations for facilitating the –)
010045 提炼金属合金的化学制剂 Chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals
010045 提炼金属合金的化学制剂 Chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals
C010195 填漏剂 fill leak stuff
C010196 填隙剂 fill crack stuff
010286 涂在织物上的防污化学品 Fabrics (Stain-preventing chemicals for use on –)
010234 脱胶制剂 Degumming preparations
010237 脱模剂 Mould-release preparations
010237 脱模制剂 Mold-release preparations
010008 未加工醋酸纤维素 Cellulose (Acetate of –), unprocessed
010008 未加工醋酸纤维素 Cellulose (Acetate of –), unprocessed
C010204 乌洛托平 woluotuopin
010319 五倍子 Gallnuts
010332 吸气剂(化学活性物质) Getters [chemically active substances]
010332 吸气剂(化学活性物质) Getters [chemically active substances]
010620 吸油用合成材料 Oil (Synthetic materials for absorbing –)
010620 吸油用合成物 Absorbing oil (Synthetic materials for –)
C010194 纤维润滑剂 fibre lubricant
010286 纤维用防污化学品 Stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics
010145 橡胶防腐剂 Rubber preservatives
010640 橡胶化学增强剂 Chemical intensifiers for rubber
010587 絮凝剂 Flocculants
010251 蓄电池充电用酸性水 Accumulators (Acidulated water for recharging –)
010251 蓄电池充电用酸性水 Batteries (Acidulated water for recharging –)
010251 蓄电池充电用酸性水 Acidulated water for recharging batteries
010251 蓄电池充电用酸性水 Recharging accumulators (Acidulated water for –)
010500 蓄电池硫酸盐清除剂 Liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators
010006 蓄电池用防泡沫溶液 Anti-frothing solutions for accumulators
010261 蓄电池组用盐剂 Batteries (Salts for galvanic –)
010168 血碳 Blood charcoal
010168 血碳 Charcoal (Blood –)
010026 烟雾剂用气体推进剂 Gas propellents for aerosols
010004 研磨剂(和研磨剂配用的辅助液) Abrasives (Auxiliary fluids for use with –)
010004 研磨用辅助液 Fluids for use with abrasives (Auxiliary –)
010056 液化淀粉制剂(去胶剂) Starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]
010197 液压系统用液 Hydraulic circuits (Fluids for –)
010197 液压系统用液体 Fluids for hydraulic circuits
010197 液压系统用液体 Hydraulic circuits (Liquids for –)
010210 医药制剂保存剂 Preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations
010210 医药制剂保存剂 Preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations
010001 易燃制剂(发动机燃料用化学添加剂) Combusting preparations [chemical additives to motor fuel]
010647 引擎冷却剂 Vehicle engines (Coolants for –)
010647 引擎冷却剂 Engines (Coolants for vehicle –)
010647 引擎冷却剂 Coolants for vehicle engines
010645 引擎冷却剂用防沸腾制剂 Anti-boil preparations for engine coolants
010645 引擎冷却剂用防沸腾制剂 Coolants (Anti-boil preparations for engine –)
010645 引擎冷却剂用防沸腾制剂 Coolants (Anti-boil preparations for engine –)
010089 引擎脱碳化学品 Engine-decarbonising chemicals
010089 引擎脱碳用化学制剂 Decarbonising engines (Chemical preparations for –)
C010178 印染用保险粉 rongalite
C010179 印染用吊****** dye whitening
C010190 印染用海藻酸钠 sodium alginate
C010188 印染用净洗剂 dye abstergent
C010181 印染用扩散剂 diffusant
C010182 印染用溶解盐 dye dissolution salt
C010184 印染用渗透剂 dye penetrant
C010183 印染用太古油 dye remote qntiquity oil
C010193 印染用整理剂 dye finish
C010207 荧光粉 phosphor powder
010621 用作过滤介质的颗粒状陶瓷材料 Ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media
010621 用作过滤媒介的颗粒状陶瓷材料 Filtering media (Ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as –)
010233 油分离化学品 Oil-separating chemicals
010352 油分散剂 Oil dispersants
010354 油净化化学品 Purifying chemicals (Oil- –)
010354 油净化化学品 Oil-purifying chemicals
C010208 油墨抗凝剂 anti coagulanting agent
010353 油漂白化学品 Oil-bleaching chemicals
010604 油脂分离剂 Greases (Preparations for the separation of –)
010352 油脂分散剂 Dispersants (Oil –)
010353 油脂漂白化学品 Bleaching chemicals (Oil- –)
010129 有机漂白化学品 Bleaching chemicals (Organic- –)
010129 有机漂白化学品 Organic-bleaching chemicals
010261 原电池盐 Salts for galvanic cells
010261 原电池盐 Salts for galvanic cells
C010189 匀染剂 dye leveller
C010185 增白剂 brightener
010339 脂肪漂白化学品 Fat-bleaching chemicals
010339 脂肪漂白化学品 Bleaching chemicals (Fat- –)
010639 纸用化学增强剂 Chemical intensifiers for paper
010315 制动液 Brake fluid
010631 制技术陶瓷用合成物 Ceramics (Compositions for the manufacture of technical –)
010459 制冷剂 Refrigerants
010459 制冷剂 Refrigerating preparations
010386 制毛玻璃用化学品 Glass-frosting chemicals
010575 制漆用化学制剂 Paints (Chemical preparations for the manufacture of –)
010343 制清漆用的陀螺状羯布罗香油(香膏) Balm of gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] for making varnish
010343 制清漆用陀螺状羯布罗香油 Gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] (Balm of –) for making varnish
010343 制清漆用陀螺状羯布罗香油 Gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] (Balm of –) for making varnish
010575 制造颜料用化学制剂 Pigments (Chemical preparations for the manufacture of –)
010643 助力液 Fluid (Power steering –)
C010202 铸粉 plating powder
010307 铸造制模用物料 Molding preparations (Foundry –)
010307 铸造制模用制剂 Foundry molding [moulding] preparations
010307 铸造制模用制剂 Moulding preparations (Foundry –)
010235 自卫用化学制剂 Aggressor repellent chemicals
C010199 阻燃剂 fire retarder
010136 钻探泥浆 Drilling muds
010136 钻探泥浆 Drilling muds
010019 钻探泥浆化学添加剂 Additives, chemical, to drilling muds
010019 钻探泥浆用的化学添加剂 Drilling muds (Chemical additives to –)
010019 钻探泥浆用的化学添加剂 Drilling muds (Chemical additives to –)
0105 用于农业、园艺、森林的化学品,化学制剂(共 29 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010480 保存种籽物质 Seed preserving substances
010031 不包括杀真菌剂、除草剂、除莠剂、杀虫剂和杀寄生虫药的农业化学品 Chemicals (Agricultural –), except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
010505 不包括杀真菌剂、除莠剂、杀虫剂和杀寄生虫药的森林用化学品 Chemicals for forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
C010216 赤霉素 gibberellin
010031 除杀菌剂、除草剂、除莠剂、杀虫剂和杀寄生虫药外的农业化学品 Agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
010347 除杀菌剂、除莠剂、杀虫剂和杀寄生虫剂外的园艺化学品 Horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
010505 除杀真菌剂、除莠剂、杀虫剂、杀寄生虫剂外的林业用化学品 Forestry (Chemicals for –), except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
C010215 防微生物剂 preventing microbe agent
010209 花保护剂 Flower preservatives
010209 花用防腐剂 Preservatives (Flower –)
010308 杀虫化学添加剂 Insecticides (Chemical additives to –)
010308 杀虫用化学添加剂 Additives, chemical, to insecticides
010309 杀菌化学添加剂 Additives, chemical, to fungicides
010309 杀菌剂用化学添加剂 Fungicides (Chemical additives to –)
010080 树洞填充物(林业) Tree cavity fillers [forestry]
010080 树洞填塞物(林业) Fillers (Tree cavity –) [forestry]
010198 树木嫁接用蜡 Grafting wax for trees
010198 树木嫁接用蜡 Wax (Grafting –) for trees
010236 脱叶剂 Defoliants
C010218 消辣剂 provent peppery liqiud
C010217 烟草用防霉剂 antimold
010546 预防藤蔓病化学品 Vine disease preventing chemicals
010404 预防小麦黑穗病的化学制剂 Wheat smut (Chemical preparations to prevent –)
010404 预防小麦枯萎病(黑穗病)的化学制剂 Wheat blight [smut] (Chemical preparations for protection against –)
C010219 增润剂 dibutyl phthalate
010586 植物保护用葱油 Carbolineum for the protection of plants
010637 植物用微量元素制剂 Trace elements (Preparations of –) for plants
010471 制烟调料 Tobacco (Sauce for preparing –)
010471 制烟叶调料 Sauce for preparing tobacco
0106 化学试剂(共 23 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010221 低温实验试剂 Cryogenic preparations
010596 非医用、非兽医用微生物培养体 Microorganisms (Cultures of –) other than for medical and veterinary use
010596 非医用、非兽医用微生物制剂 Microorganisms (Preparations of –) other than for medical and veterinary use
010594 非医用、非兽医用细菌学研究制剂 Bacterial preparations other than for medical and veterinary use
010595 非医用、非兽医用细菌制剂 Bacteriological preparations other than for medical and veterinary use
010243 非医用和兽医用诊断制剂 Diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes
010181 非医用或非兽医用的实验室分析用化学制剂 Analyses in laboratories (Chemical preparations for –) other than for medical or veterinary purposes
010579 非医用或非兽医用生物制剂 Biological preparations [other than for medical or veterinary purposes]
010178 非医用或兽医用化学试剂 Reagents (Chemical –) other than for medical or veterinary purposes
010596 非医用或兽医用微生物培养基 Cultures of microorganisms other than for medical and veterinary use
010408 橄榄石(化学制剂) Olivine [chemical preparations]
010178 化学试剂(非医用或兽医用) Chemical reagents [other than for medical or veterinary purposes]
010278 化学试纸 Test paper, chemical
010278 化学试纸 Test paper, chemical
010177 科学用化学制剂(非医用和兽医用) Chemical preparations for scientific purposes [other than for medical or veterinary use]
010122 生物化学催化剂 Biochemical catalysts
010419 石蕊试纸 Litmus paper
010419 石蕊试纸 Litmus paper
010181 实验室分析用化学物质(非医用或兽医用) Chemical substances for analyses in laboratories [other than for medical or veterinary purposes]
010259 试纸 Reagent paper
010259 试纸 Reagent paper
010416 硝酸盐纸 Nitrate paper
010416 硝酸盐纸 Nitrate paper
0107 摄影用化学用品及材料(共 55 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
C010221 传真纸 fax paper
010099 调色定影液(摄影) Toning baths [photography]
010099 调色定影液(摄影) Baths (Toning –) [photography]
010548 调色盐(摄影) Toning salts [photography]
010548 调色盐(摄影) Toning salts [photography]
010097 定影液(摄影) Baths (Fixing –) [photography]
010097 定影液(摄影) Fixing baths [photography]
010298 定影液(摄影) Fixing solutions [photography]
010213 感光板 Plates (Photosensitive –)
010464 感光但未曝光的X光胶片 X-ray films, sensitized but not exposed
010269 感光照相板 Sensitized photographic plates
010269 感光照相板 Plates (Sensitized photographic –)
010418 感光纸 Sensitized paper
010418 感光纸 Sensitized paper
010417 光度测定纸 Photometric paper
010417 光度测定纸 Photometric paper
C010220 光谱感光板 spectrum sensitization board
010420 果胶(照像) Pectin [photography]
010406 胶印感光用板 Plates for offset printing (Sensitized –)
010406 胶印用感光板 Sensitized plates for offset printing
010406 胶印用感光印刷板 Printing plates (Sensitized –) for offset
010434 蓝图布 Cloth (Blueprint –)
010434 蓝图布 Blueprint cloth
010432 蓝图纸 Blueprint paper
010432 蓝图纸 Blueprint paper
C010223 热敏纸 heat sensitive paper
010227 晒蓝图用溶液 Cyanotyping (Solutions for –)
C010222 晒图纸 blueprint paper
010267 摄影感光乳剂 Photographic emulsions
010267 摄影感光乳剂 Emulsions (Photographic –)
010435 摄影显影剂 Photographic developers
010292 铁板照相板(摄影用) Ferrotype plates [photography]
010464 未曝光X光感光胶片 Roentgen films, sensitized but not exposed
010598 未曝光的感光电影胶片 Cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed
010581 未曝光感光胶卷 Films (Sensitized –), unexposed
010581 未曝光感光胶片 Sensitized films, unexposed
010436 显影剂 Photographic sensitizers
010435 显影剂(摄影) Developers (Photographic –)
010322 相纸 Photographic paper
010322 相纸 Photographic paper
010103 氧化钡纸 Baryta paper
010103 氧化钡纸 Baryta paper
010212 照相感光布 Sensitized cloth for photography
010436 照相用感光剂 Sensitizers (Photographic –)
010027 照相用还原剂 Reducing agents for use in photography
010329 照相用胶 Gelatine for photographic purposes
010213 照像感光板 Photosensitive plates
010211 照像用化学制剂 Photography (Chemical preparations for use in –)
010027 照像用还原剂 Photography (Reducing agents for use in –)
010603 制唱片用混合剂 Phonograph records (Compositions for the manufacture of –)
010603 制照片底片用合成制剂 Compositions for the manufacture of phonograph records
010245 重氮纸 Papers (Diazo –)
010245 重氮纸 Diazo paper
010090 自动着色纸(照相) Self-toning paper [photography]
010090 自动着色纸(照相) Self-toning paper [photography]
0108 未加工的人造合成树脂,未加工塑料物质(不包括未加工的天然树脂)(共 35 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
C010232 电木粉 bakelite grit
C010226 酚醛树脂 phenolic resin
C010225 各种赛璐珞 celluloid
C010235 硅塑料 silastomer
010484 硅酮、硅树脂、聚硅氢 Silicones
010610 过滤材料(未加工塑料) Filtering materials [unprocessed plastics]
C010228 合成树脂塑料 synthetic resin plastic
C010242 环氧油辛脂 oxido oil fat
C010233 胶木粉 bakelite powder
C010224 聚丙烯 polypropylene
C010230 聚氯乙烯树脂 corvic
C010229 酷素树脂 resin
C010240 离子交换树脂 hydronium exchange resin
C010231 玛脂 mastic
C010236 模塑料 molding compound
C010243 尼龙66盐 nylon 66 salt
C010227 脲醛树脂 urea formaldehyde resin
C010234 人造树胶 bakelite
C010238 三甲酚磷酸脂 tricresol phosphonolipide
C010237 塑膏 plastic paste
010605 塑料分散剂 Dispersions of plastics
010605 塑料离散剂 Plastics (Dispersions of –)
010605 塑料离散剂 Plastics (Dispersions of –)
010461 未加工丙烯树脂 Resins (Acrylic –), unprocessed
010461 未加工丙烯树脂 Acrylic resins, unprocessed
010274 未加工的环氧树脂 Epoxy resins, unprocessed
010462 未加工的人造合成树脂 Artificial resins, unprocessed
010455 未加工合成树脂 Resins (Synthetic –), unprocessed
010274 未加工环氧树脂 Resins (Epoxy –), unprocessed
010462 未加工人造树脂 Resins (Artificial –), unprocessed
010455 未加工人造树脂 Synthetic resins, unprocessed
010438 未加工塑料 Plastics, unprocessed
010438 未加工塑料 Plastics, unprocessed
C010239 有机硅树脂 organic silicone
010143 增塑剂 Plasticizers
0109 肥料(共 35 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010094 氮肥 Nitrogenous fertilisers
010141 氮石灰 Lime (Nitrogenous –) [manure]
C010246 动物肥料 animal fertilizer
010271 肥料 Fertilizers
010293 肥料制剂 Fertilizing preparations
010355 腐殖质 Humus
010641 腐殖质表层肥 Humus top dressing
010431 过磷酸钙(肥料) Superphosphates [fertilisers]
010043 海藻(肥料) Seaweeds [fertilizers]
010141 含氮石灰(肥料) Nitrogenous lime [manure]
010335 花盆用土 Potting soil
C010244 化学肥料 fertilizer manure
010622 混合肥料 Compost
010428 矿碴(肥料) Slag [fertilisers]
010427 磷酸盐(肥料) Phosphates [fertilisers]
010539 泥炭(肥料) Peat [fertiliser]
010342 鸟粪 Guano
010271 农业肥料 Agriculture (Manure for –)
010271 农业用肥 Manure for agriculture
010141 氰氨化钙(肥料) Calcium cyanamide [fertilizer]
010053 土壤调节用化学品 Soil-conditioning chemicals
010589 无土生长培养基(农业) Substrates for soil-free growing [agriculture]
010478 盐类(肥料) Salts [fertilisers]
010445 园艺用罐装泥炭 Peat pots for horticulture
010445 园艺用泥炭盆(泥炭) Pots (Peat –) for horticulture
010634 植物生长调节剂 Growth regulating preparations (Plant –)
010634 植物生长调节剂 Plant growth regulating preparations
C010245 植物用肥 plant fertilizer
010524 种植土 Earth for growing
010527 种植土 Loam
010524 种植土 Earth for growing
0110 灭火用合成物(共 6 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010294 防火制剂 Fireproofing preparations
010294 防火制剂 Fireproofing preparations
010288 灭火合成物 Fire extinguishing compositions
010288 灭火混合剂 Extinguishing compositions (Fire –)
C010248 灭火药粉 put out a fire powder
C010247 消防泡沫液 fire fighting foamer
0111 淬火用化学制剂(共 5 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
C010249 淬火剂 quencher
C010250 淬火油 quenching oil
010393 金属回火剂 Tempering preparations (Metal –)
010393 金属回火剂 Metal tempering preparations
010393 金属退火剂 Metal annealing preparations
0112 焊接用化学制剂(共 7 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010584 焊剂 Fluxes (Soldering –)
010487 焊接用化学品 Welding chemicals
010487 焊接用化学品 Soldering chemicals
010583 铜焊剂 Fluxes (Brazing –)
010583 铜焊剂 Brazing fluxes
010137 铜焊制剂 Brazing preparations
010584 助焊液 Soldering fluxes
0113 食品用化学品(不包括食品用防腐盐)(共 32 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010200 (未发酵)葡萄汁澄清剂 Must-fining preparations
010009 醋化用细菌制剂 Acetification (Bacteriological preparations for –)
010009 醋化用细菌制剂 Bacteriological preparations for acetification
010571 防止蔬菜发芽剂 Anti-sprouting preparations for vegetables
010545 工业用嫩肉剂 Meat tenderizers for industrial purposes
010545 工业用嫩肉剂 Meat tenderizers for industrial purposes
010200 果汁澄清制剂 Fining preparation (Must- –)
010374 化学用牛奶发酵剂 Milk ferments for chemical purposes
010374 化学用牛奶酵素 Ferments (Milk –) for chemical purposes
010205 酒澄清剂 Finings (Wine –)
010205 酒澄清用制剂 Wine finings
010096 酒发酵用化学品 Fermenting wine (Chemicals used in –)
010096 酿酒发酵化学品 Wine (Chemicals used in fermenting –)
010096 酿酒菌(制酒用化学剂) Oenological bactericides [chemical preparations used in wine making]
010096 酿酒杀菌剂(酿酒用化学制剂) Bactericides (Oenological –) [chemical preparations used in wine making]
010121 啤酒澄清剂和防腐剂 Beer-clarifying and preserving agents
010619 啤酒防腐剂 Beer preserving agents
010607 人造增甜剂(化学制剂) Sweeteners (Artificial –) [chemical preparations]
010607 人造增甜剂(化学制剂) Artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]
010044 食品储存用化学品 Preserving foodstuffs (Chemical substances for –)
010348 食品防腐用油 Oils for the preservation of food
010044 食物防腐用化学品 Foodstuffs (Chemical substances for preserving –)
010346 水果催熟激素 Hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit
010346 水果催熟激素 Hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit
010346 水果催熟用激素 Fruit (Hormones for hastening the ripening of –)
010114 糖精 Saccharin
010113 糖精(合成) Benzoic sulphinide
010113 糖精(合成) Benzoic sulphinide
010317 熏肉用化学制剂 Meat (Chemical preparations for smoking –)
010317 熏肉用化学制剂 Smoking meat (Chemical preparations for –)
010296 饮料工业用的过滤制剂 Filtering preparations for the beverages industry
010296 饮料工业用的过滤制剂 Filtering preparations for the beverages industry
0114 鞣料及皮革用化学品(共 31 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010323 棓单宁酸 Gallotannic acid
010208 除油外的皮革修饰材料 Dressing, except oils, for skins
010208 除油以外的皮革修饰材料 Skins (Dressing, except oils, for –)
010563 豆科类种子和豆荚(鞣料) Algarovilla [tanning material]
010325 黑儿茶 Gambier
010223 皮革表面处理用化学品 Dressing chemicals (Leather- –)
010175 皮革翻新化学品 Renovating chemicals (Leather- –)
010364 皮革防水化学品 Leather-waterproofing chemicals
010364 皮革防水化学品 Waterproofing chemicals (Leather- –)
010601 皮革加脂用油 Oils for currying leather
010224 皮革浸渍化学品 Impregnating chemicals (Leather- –)
010224 皮革浸渍化学品 Leather-impregnating chemicals
010215 皮革鞣剂 Currying preparations for leather
010175 皮革刷新化学品 Leather-renovating chemicals
010223 皮革修理化学品 Leather-dressing chemicals
010509 鞣革物 Tanning substances
010504 鞣革用苏模鞣料 Sumac for use in tanning
010504 鞣革用苏模鞣料 Sumac for use in tanning
010350 鞣革用油 Oils for tanning leather
010350 鞣革用油 Oils for tanning leather
010070 鞣料 Antranilic acid
010507 鞣料(鞣革剂) Tan
010130 鞣料木 Tan-wood
010215 鞣皮革制剂 Leather (Currying preparations for –)
010216 鞣皮剂 Skins (Currying preparations for –)
010130 鞣酸 Wood (Tan –)
010511 鞣酸 Tannic acid
010270 上浆剂 Sizing preparations
010216 生皮鞣剂 Currying preparations for skins
010208 使皮革软化的脱灰碱液 Bate for dressing skins
010349 制革用油 Oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture
0115 工业用粘合剂和胶(不包括纸用粘合剂)(共 60 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010203 裱墙纸用粘合剂 Paperhanging (Adhesives for –)
010032 补轮胎内胎用合成制剂 Inner tubes of tires [tyres] (Compositions for repairing –)
010465 补内胎用合成剂 Tire repairing compositions
010465 补胎用合成剂 Repairing tires [tyres] (Compositions for –)
010465 补胎用合成剂 Tyre repairing compositions
010193 充气轮胎粘合剂 Cement for pneumatic tires [tyres]
010566 非办公、非家用淀粉浆糊(胶粘剂) Starch paste [adhesive], other than for stationery or household purposes
010615 非文具、非家用谷朊胶 Gluten [glue], other than for stationery or household purposes
010618 非文具、非家用或非食用鱼胶 Isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes
010616 非文具、非家用胶水 Gums [adhesives] other than for stationery or household purposes
010078 工业用阿拉伯树胶 Gum arabic for industrial purposes
010600 工业用胶 Glue for industrial purposes
010330 工业用明胶 Gelatine for industrial purposes
010002 工业用粘合剂 Adhesives for industrial purposes
010002 工业用粘合剂 Adhesives for industrial purposes
C010254 固化剂 Firming agent
010242 糊精胶料 Dextrine size
C010251 聚氨酯 polyurethane
C010253 聚醋酸乙烯乳液 polyvinyl acetate emulsision
C010252 氯丁胶 chlorine glue
010193 轮胎胶粘剂 Tires (Mastic for –)
010193 轮胎粘合剂 Tyres (Mastic for –)
010193 轮胎粘合剂 Mastic for tires [tyres]
010222 皮革胶 Leather glues
010192 皮革粘合剂 Leather (Mastic for –)
010192 皮革粘合剂 Mastic for leather
010203 墙纸用粘合剂 Wallpaper (Adhesives for –)
010203 墙纸粘合剂 Adhesives for paperhanging
010573 墙砖粘合剂 Adhesives for wall tiles
010573 墙砖粘合剂 Wall tiles (Adhesives for –)
010079 树木嫁接胶粘剂 Glutinous tree-grafting preparations
010341 树木嫁接胶粘剂 Mastic (Grafting –) for trees
010341 树木嫁接用胶粘剂 Grafting mastic for trees
010079 树木嫁接粘胶剂 Tree-grafting (Glutinous preparations for –)
010079 树木接枝粘胶剂 Tree-banding (Glutinous preparations for –)
010439 塑料胶 Plastisols
010028 贴广告用粘胶 Billposting (Adhesives for –)
010022 外科绷带粘合胶 Surgical bandages (Adhesive preparations for –)
010022 外科绷带粘合胶 Surgical bandages (Adhesive preparations for –)
010022 外科绷带粘合制剂 Adhesive preparations for surgical bandages
010022 外科绷带粘胶制剂 Bandages (Adhesive preparations for surgical –)
010201 橡胶水 Rubber solutions
010201 橡胶水 Rubber solutions
010170 鞋粘合剂 Shoes (Cement for –)
010194 修补破碎物品的粘合剂 Cement for mending broken articles
010194 修补破碎物品的粘合剂 Cement for mending broken articles
010170 靴和鞋粘接剂 Cement for boots and shoes
010170 靴子粘合剂 Boots (Cement for –)
010144 液态橡胶 Liquid rubber
010144 液体橡胶 Rubber (Liquid –)
010157 粘胶液 Viscose
010158 粘接剂(冶金) Cement [metallurgy]
010334 粘鸟胶 Birdlime
010079 粘性箍树剂 Glutinous tree-banding preparations
010028 张贴广告用粘合剂 Adhesives for billposting
010024 制造业用黄蓍胶 Tragacanth gum for use in manufactures
010024 制造业用耆胶 Gum (Tragacanth –) for use in manufactures
010306 铸造用粘合剂 Binding substances (Foundry –)
010306 铸造用粘合剂 Binding substances (Foundry –)
010306 铸造用粘合剂 Binding substances (Foundry –)
0116 纸浆(共 5 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
010132 木浆 Pulp (Wood –)
010132 木浆 Wood pulp
C010255 纤维素浆 fibrin plasm
010156 纸浆 Paper pulp
010156 纸浆 Pulp (Paper –)
0117 能源(共 3 条商品/服务名称)
序号 商品/服务名称
C010256 电 Electricity
C010257 电能 Electric Energy
C010258 核聚变产生的能源 Atomic Energy
Resins (Gum –)